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☆currently dying my hair black for my Motionless in white concert while I write this☆

Y/n's p.o.v
''Come on let's just walk around down town'' Chris says as we all sit in the living room of the airbnb. It was the next day and chris has been bugging us to leave the house. ''Fine!'' I sigh as I get up. ''Let me get ready'' I roll my eyes. ''Me too'' Bill says as he too gets up from his spot. ''Yess!!'' Chris smiles. All of us just mutually decide to get ready so we all hurry upstairs. While I look for an outfit for the day Bill goes into the attached bathroom and is getting ready to start the shower for us. Most of the time slwe shower separately but sometimes we both just shower together to get ready quicker.

I grab my clothes and I decide to pick out an outfit for Bill before walking into the bathroom closing the dood behind me. I set our clothes on the double sink and then I slowly get out of my pajamas. One night of no sleep can really fuck up your energy levels for awhile. Bill's already in the shower so I just carefully get in and he smiles at me. ''You tired Meine Frau?'' He questions with a bit of a chuckle. ''Yes'' I nod as I walk closer to him and he hugs me close to him. ''Why do we have to leave, it's my birthday tomorrow I think I should have a say on what we do for the day'' i sigh making him giggle a bit. ''Because my love we have to babe fun while we are here not just sleep'' he kisses my forehead making me smile. ''Here let me pamper you'' he smiles.

I nod as I turn my back to him. He takes the shampoo and gets one in the palm of his hand before spreading it through my hair and massaging it into my scalp. I sigh out loud making him chuckle. He grabs the shower head and rinsed my hair out before applying conditioner into my hair. ''You're definitely the best boyfriend'' I smile as he rinses my hair again. ''And you are the best Girlfriend'' he smiles as he leans down and kisses my shoulder.

When he's done I smile and turn around. ''My turn love'' I smile. He chuckles and i start massaging the shampoo into his scalp and I can tell he's enjoying it. Then I rinse the soap and condition his hair. ''I love you so much'' he says making me smile. ''I love you so much more my love'' I kiss his neck before rinsing his hair out. He turns and hugs me before I turn the water off and we both get out of the shower. Theres a banging on the doors. ''Come on guys, stop fucking'' Tom yells. ''Tom for the last fucking time not everything is about sex!'' I yell as I wrap myself in a towel making Bill chuckle.

I quickly put on some lotion and deodorant before wrapping my hair in a towel. I put on my underwear and bra before I start getting dressed.

''Damn baby, do a little twirl'' Bill smiles making me chuckle

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''Damn baby, do a little twirl'' Bill smiles making me chuckle. I do a little twirl making him smile. ''I love my outfit'' he smiles. ''Maybe you should start styling me'' he compliments. ''Thank you my love'' I smile and kiss his cheek.

☆His Fit☆

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☆His Fit☆

''You are so handsome'' I smile. ''And you're so beautiful'' he says kissing me. We both decide to skip out on doing hair and makeup. We both walk out and turn the lights off. I make sure I grab my purse while Bill waits for me. I walk to him and he grabs my hand in his. When we walk down to the living room. ''Took you two long enough'' Angelo snarks. ''It's not my fault it take 3 fucking weeks before you guys shower'' I roll my eyes. ''Okay well it's done it's over let's fucking go'' chris rushes us out of the house.

I put on my sunglasses and we all start walking down the block and we are right in the down town area. ''Come on bitches'' Chris smiles as he walks ahead of us. ''Hold up you guys are walking way to fucking fast'' Tom says as he tries to walk fast while holding his pants so they dont fall down. ''Jesus christ'' I chuckle making him shoot me a glare. ''You need a fucking belt'' Ricky says making Tom smack him. ''Hey you two knock it off!'' I yell as Ricky goes to smack Tom. 

☆It's Not Over?☆- Bill Kaulitz (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now