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After the whole commotion with the bodyguards, San was in the dressing room of Wooyoung. He wasn't sure why but something was off, was Wooyoung upset that he was late? "I'm sorry I came late, I didn't wake up on time. I'm sorry I messed with your schedule." The male apologized, his voice soft and very apologetic.

San looked up to see Wooyoung leaned against him, he face in the crook of his neck as he rested his hands on Sans waist. Was this okay? "Wooyoung-" "Shh, just let me be for a moment, im tired." Wooyoung mumbled as he pulled San closer to him. This action alone made the male quite flustered but he didn't say anything. Hesitantly, San wrapped his arms around the idol and rubbed his back. "It's okay." He mumbled, unsure on what the problem was but felt that this was the right thing to do; and indeed it gained a positive response from the younger.


Time flew by quickly and it was finally the end of the last day San was supposed to spend with Wooyoung. Throughout the days, San found the latters actions to be quite weird. Whenever Wooyoung had to perform, he instructed San to sit on the side of the stage, out of public view but in the view of himself. He would touch San in places that left him confused and uncomfortable, sometimes flustered. Whenever San would get ready to leave it would take Wooyoung a long time to accept it, just weird overall.

It was slowly getting time for San to leave and he wanted to bid his idol goodbye before returning to his regular life routine, however he couldn't spot the male. In fact, the whole stadium seemed to be empty with just San there which was weird.

Humming one of Wooyoungs' songs, San was quickly caught off guard when he felt a grip around his waist and a piece of tissue stuffed on top of his nose. No, no no no. Sans mind immediately went blank as he tried to fight back his reflexes were too late as he was consumed by the darkness behind his eyelids, was this the end?


Sitting at the end of the basement staircase, Wooyoung lazily yawned as his eyes flickered between his phone and then the older tied to a chair. Finally. Finally San was with him, finally San was safe, finally San was in his possession. He couldn't have fathomed taking it this far, he didn't want to take it this far but he couldn't help it. San was practically begging to be with him so why not just give in to his desires; right?

Hearing a small grunt, Wooyoung immediately shoved his phone into his back pocket as he stood up from the place he had been previously sitting. "San?" He whispered softly, a tilt to his head as he watched the males eyes fly open. Wooyoung was happy, he finally could spend the much needed time with San or at least that was until San started to yell. "Wooyoung what the fuck?" He gasped, pulling at the zip ties on his arm.

"Don't do that.. you'll get hurt." Wooyoung said softly, trying to get San to stop. "Fuck you! Let me go." San growled causing Wooyoung to frown. Why wasn't San happy? Why did San want to leave? "You can't, baby. This is our home now." He spoke yet again, not wanting to scare San or make him hate him. That's the last thing Wooyoung wanted from the person he so desperately needed. "You can't leave." He whispered, watching San fight against the zip ties.

"Wooyoung, let me go." San said again, his voice this time deep and dominant. San held up a visible angry expression but this turned Wooyoung on, San was sexy like this. Ignoring the males words, Wooyoung found himself straddling the olders lap. "I've waited for this for too long.. I couldn't wait any longer." He hummed, his fingers gently playing with the end of Sans hair before tugging against it harshly. Forcing the males head back as he leaned closer to his ear, "You can't leave." Wooyoung said once again, this time there was no calmness to his voice.

No one was going to take San away, he wouldn't allow it— he couldn't. He needed San and San needed him. They were going to be together and be happy, finally. "You wanted this too." He said before pulling himself up after kissing the male on his cheek— which San tried to refuse. "No i didn't! What are you talking about?" But Wooyoung didn't answer, instead he made his way towards the staircase and start to ascend up them.

Hearing Sans growls and pleads, Wooyoung tried his best not to react. He's not hurting San, he's protecting him, giving him what he wanted. What they both wanted. "I'll bring you food later." The younger finally said before walking out the basement and closing the door. He wasn't crazy, he was doing the right thing. He was going to keep them together, he was going to make San his.

. . . . end of chap 4

a/n : i'm so bored rn aha

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