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"So what motivated you for your album obsessed? It's your best selling right now for the many songs and different meanings. Do you have a crush right now?" San was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard this question from the TV.

Ever since Wooyoung left, San hadn't been paying much attention to the device in front of him rather thinking about how he got into this situation. "Haha, no i don't have a crush nor lover. I just thought it be different and decided to try it." Wooyoung replied to the question, a bright smile on his face as he did so. Liar.

"Fans are curious though! Do you possess any of the toxic traits you have in your songs?" The interviewer asked, this made San perk up. He knew Wooyoung would lie, he wanted to catch him in it. "I do. I get jealous and I do get possessive over my lover." What? He can just admit to things like that? "However, I don't do it to the point where it's abuse." Wooyoung quickly added. Aha, caught ya.

San pulled his attention away from the Tv and down at his stomach, maybe he should've just listened to him. He tried to escape multiple times and they all deemed to be useless at the end. "This is so stupid." San mumbled, pulling at his arms but remembered he was tied down once he heard the rattling of the chains.

He wanted nothing more than to just leave and live his life. Was Wooyoung going to kidnap anyone he had chosen? Or was it specifically for him? The second option was way too disturbing so he was hoping it was the first option although both are bad.

"Sannie?" He heard the voice, his voice. Why was he here already? "San! You're up." Wooyoung hummed in a happy tone as he was holding what appeared to be Sans favorite food dish— the smell earned a grumble from the latters stomach. Embarrassing. "I see you're hungry." Wooyoung said as he placed the plate down in front of San along with a bottle of water. He couldn't just eat it since he was hungry, what if he'd get drugged again?

Staring at the food oddly, he tried his best to resist it. His attention being moved onto the younger once he heard a small tsk come from him. "I didn't do anything to it, I already have you down in the basement. Why would I drug you again silly?" He spoke, now sitting in the chair that was previously Sans spot. It did make sense, why would he drug him if he already couldn't go anywhere?

Without a second thought, San began to eat with his free hand. Not caring if he was eating messily; the boy was hungry. Amidst this, San could feel Wooyoungs eyes on him as he ate. "You can leave now." San muttered between chews, he really didn't want to be around Wooyoung anymore. "I want to spend time with you, love." Stupid pet names.

"You've spent enough time with me, just leave." San snapped, placing his utensils down as he turned to loom at the wall, not facing Wooyoung. He was shameless, how could he be so calm about this? Has Wooyoung kidnapped a fan before? "We're going to love each other San. It's time you stop acting so childishly about it." Wooyoung said, his words coming off soft as it almost had an effect on the male.

He didn't respond, he didn't move and he tried his best to keep a blank face. He was scared, he didn't know what to expect. "San, I love you and I can't wait till you come to terms with loving me." Wooyoung said, San could here the happiness in his voice.

Quickly turning his head, San lips met with Wooyoungs for a brief kiss— which San pulled from almost instantly. "What the fuck? Back up." San didn't know Wooyoung moved closer to him which resulted into San giving a kiss unintentionally, however he couldn't say he hated the kiss. What am I thinking? It was the worst.

"You kissed me.. first."Wooyoung said, slowly processing what has happened. "I knew it! You love me. You're home, you know you're home." Wooyoung said giddily, he was too excited, too excited to even noticed Sans' horrified expression. "No! No you got-"

"I have to go relieve myself. I'll be back later." Wooyoung said as his hands went down to cover his crotch and practically fly up the stairs. It took San a few moments to process it but once he did, he was disgusted. A disgusting psycho, that's what San thought of him at that very moment. I'm never getting out of here.

. . . . end of chap 7

a/n : i feel like this chapter is sloppy .. i'm sorry if it is!

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