The Perfect Young Man - Bakura Death's Magnificent Mission?

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It was the dead of night in Death City. An evil man wearing a red spandex suit with a mask and cape, known as the Master Thief Lupin, runs with a sack full of human souls. He dodges the bullets that are being fired by a boy and his two weapons. To the thief's misfortune, he ran into a dead end.

"It's over, Lupin." The boy declares in a British accent. He jumps down from one of the buildings and shows himself to the master thief.

This boy is none other than Bakura Death, Lord Death's son. He has brown eyes, and his hair is white and points downwards in various directions and trails halfway down his back. He also has black stripes along the left side of his hairline. He sports a standard black suit with white rectangles. The rectangles are placed in a manner that is completely symmetrical. There are at least six small rectangles along the seam where the sleeves attach to the jacket, and four small rectangles run along the front of his jacket. His undershirt is a formal white dress shirt, and a metallic skull rests under his collar, and could be used as a tie. His color scheme is meant to copy Lord Death's. Bakura tosses the two demon guns in his hand and they take the forms of a boy and girl. The boy's name is Joey Wheeler. He has blond hair and is wearing a red short sleeved button down shirt with a white tie and dark blue jeans. He's also wearing two silver bracelets on both of his wrist, black boots, and a white and blue cowboy hat with the rims slanted forward. The girl is Joey's sister and her name is Serenity Wheeler. She has auburn hair and is wearing an outfit similar to her older sibling's. She's wearing a tight red, sleeveless, turtleneck belly shirt with a white tie, a cowboy hat with curved rims, black boots and bubble shorts.

"Master Thief Lupin..."

"We're here for your soul!!" The Meister and his two weapons said in unison as they attempted a symmetrical yet unusual pose.

Lupin looks at the trio strangely before the Meister reprimands one of the Wheeler siblings in frustration. 

"Dammit!! Serenity!!" He stomps his feet vigorously and points at Serenity's feet. "Your stance is off again! You and Joey aren't in a line!!"

"Huh?" Serenity looks down at her stance, and sure enough, she was a few inches off to the right. "Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Hey... Bakura..." Joey spoke. "Don't ya think this may not be the best time to talk about that...?"

"No matter what time, I want to do everything "perfectly"." Bakura quotes with his fingers.

"Uh, hey, guys. The thief is getting away."

Serenity's notification caused the boys to turn towards where the thief stood. Lupin has already escaped through a manhole. Joey's jaw dropped, but Bakura was the only one unfazed and continued ranting about his obsession over his concept of perfection. 

"Anyway, don't I always tell you? My art is symmetrical!! Symmetry is the supreme beauty."

"Here we go again..." Joey sighed. Hearing his Meister chatter about symmetry was such a pain in the ass.

"I told you when I picked the two of you for my double gun team partners that your forms were symmetrical, right? But then when you're in your human form, you two... your gender, your hair style, your height, it's all wrong..." Bakura squeezes one of Serenity's breasts and one of Joey's pecs. "Not even your boobs and pecs are the same size!"

With a bulging vein, Joey punches Bakura in the face for groping his sister's boobs. A bright red Serenity covered her chest with her arms and hid behind her brother.

"Well excuse me for not being my sister's sister!! What's so symmetrical about ya anyway!?" The Wheeler brother points at the three black lines on his Meister's head. "You're so symmetrical except for those three stripes in your hair on the left!! Ya obviously are not symmetrical!!"

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