Chapter 34 - Euphoria

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A giggle of excitement escapes me as he grabs my waist, lifting me into a straddling position across his lap. I'm always surprised of the strength hidden by his lean frame. Burying his face into my neck I hear him inhale my scent deeply. He whispers against my neck,
"Gods I missed these parts of you. The elegant perfume of your skin, the lighting crash of your laughter, and this warm glow of your aura when you're truly happy. The minute details that make up every glorious part of you that keep me madly under your spell."
My need for him was suddenly overwhelming. Our lips mesh, my tongue invading his mouth. I grind myself against him causing him to inhale a breath and seize my waist. My hand slips between our bodies, grasping his belt, swiftly undoing the buckle. He gasps against me and pulls back.
"Dearest, don't you think we should wait? You've been through so much and I don't know if this is the wisest-"
Draping my arms around his neck leaning in close. I entangle my fingers into his hair and brush my lips against his ear, releasing a hot breathy moan that causes him to hiss a sharp curse. His hips buck against mine.
"Merlin! You know how to make a rather compelling argument." He all but panted, face beet red.
"I knew I could convince you to doing things my way." I was breathless with excitement and exhilaration. I could feel the hard length of him pressing against me, instantly dripping with desire. I return to unfastening his trousers and release his throbbing cock. The silky soft skin is hot in my hand, a dot of cum glistened on the tip. Pressing a finger to it I swirl the milky fluid around the sensitive head. Ominis gives a passionate moan and grips my ass hard.
"Fuck I can't take this torture anymore. I need to be inside you!" He rolls with me, pressing me into the mattress and settling above me between my legs. He shoves his hand between us and presses his cock against my dripping entrance. My legs wrap around his waist and I squeeze, pulling him to me and into me. Euphoria floods my senses as he fills me perfectly. Ominis leans down and captures my mouth with his before starting to move his hips in tantalizingly slow strokes. I was going to go insane with this pace. I needed more.
"Ominis, Please! Harder! Show me how much you missed me" I gasp out.
With primal moan he immediately slams against me so hard it knocks the breath from my lungs. As he drives into my pulsing body it's all I can do to cling to him. His hand slips up to my face as I know he is seeking my lips, his need to read my expression and feel what his eyes couldn't see. Stars burst behind my eyes. In this moment everything feels wholly perfect. Our souls are merged in a dazzling display of passion. I feel my body tensing already, an electric coil tightening in my core.
"Ominis! My love I - I can't hold on much longer!" My mouth presses to his shoulder and I'm panting so heavily I feel a string of drool slip from my lips.
"Merlin Fuck I love you!" He cries out. We cling to each other and with one final, powerful stroke, we climax together. I can feel the heat of his seed fill me as my body breaks into a million shockwaves of pleasure. Ominis collapses onto my chest, his breathing labored. This moment is everything I had feared I would never get to experience again. I knew in my heart that I belonged here in this beautiful man's arms and that there was no place in this world I would ever feel more content. I press a soft kiss to his sweaty brow.
"I love you Ominis Gaunt. You are everything to me." I whisper.
He rises up, bracing his weight on his forearm as his face hovers above mine. I almost feel as though he is staring deep into my soul, seeing something inside me not visible to the normal eye.
"You are the very breath I breathe, my love. Please promise me that I'll never run out of air."

We had immediately made love again. Slowly this time, savoring each other with fingertips, tongues, and teeth.  Now I lay entangled in his limbs with a cheshire grin of satisfaction on my lips. I rolled, tossing an arm across his chest and nuzzling into his shoulder. He pulled me close and kissed my hair.
"We should probably go check on Weasley and make our way to the kitchens to snag some food for you, my dearest."
I release a playful huff,
"But that means we have to leave this bed and I'm not entirely sure I'm done with you yet." I bite his shoulder and he mock gasps.
"You little minx!" Large hands proceed to tickle me till I scream for freedom. We dissolve into a pile of giggles and kisses.
"Okay okay you win this one Mr. Gaunt. But next time victory will be mine."
"Dearest you've already won my heart how much more do you need?"
I blush furiously and my heart beats like a caged bird.
"I can feel you blushing." He smirks. I shove him and sit up.
"Maybe if you didn't always sound like a modern Shakespeare I'd be less inclined to constant swooning." This causes him to break out in a laugh. Taking his hand I pull him to his feet with me.
"Let's go check on our valiant knight and his Lady Luck."

We stroll through the castle hand in hand. Most of the students were attending dinner at the Great Hall and we ran into very few people. As we descended the steps to the dungeons to raid the kitchens the sounds of someone running reached our ears. Coming up the stairs at a very swift pace was none other than Poppy Sweeting.
"Poppy! We were just coming to-Poppy what's wrong? Did something happen to Garreth?!" the panic stricken look on her face sends alarm through my whole body. She grips my arms as she struggle to catch her breath.
"Oh Thank Merlin! I've been searching all over for you both!"
Ominis rests a hand on her back,
"What's happened Poppy?"
Gulping for air she looks deep into my eyes.
"I received an owl from Officer Singer. It's Sebastian! He has escaped!"

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