A Mistake

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Shawn: (Texting Sydney) *Is everything okay? Are you pregnant?

Sydney: * I'm not pregnant, and thanks for worrying, but you never even came. I wonder why you thought you did, but you never did.

Shawn: *That's a good thing, and considering that little accident and all, i don't think we should be seeing each other anymore.

Sydney: *What? Just because of that little mistake? You are a celeb and you think this is the best way to break my heart?

Shawn: *Whats the point in even talking to you? You always complain and nag and your always on my back. This is the perfect way to "break your heart". Even though text dumping is cruel and all, but you shouldn't be worrying, you are beautiful and you can charm any guy you want, i will be traveling all the time. You don't need to miss me every single minute of the day.

Sydney: *Just because you leave me doesn't mean I won't miss you. I will most likely miss you even more now. So thank you for being there and all for me, but I will just try to move on without you by my side.

Shawn: *So consider this relationship done I guess. I had fun while it lasted, but besides me and the tour, I don't really think we can even call ourselves a couple because the only thing we have in common is the breakdown and my music.

Sydney: *B..But, I thought you loved me?

Shawn: *Well you thought wrong, I use to like you, but how could I be with a girl who is always needing and needing and wont stop?

Sydney: *Well bye I guess.

Shawn: *Bye Sydney, I don't wish to see you again.

(2 hours later)

Shawn: (Is not texting anymore, and is talking to his best friend Travis) Wow that was hard, I can't believe I really did that.

Travis: Well believe it, at least you don't have her always attached to you now. She was a bit of a clinger.

Shawn: A bit? That girl could find me even if I was a million miles away. She is in love with me and I couldn't take it anymore so I just ended it.

Travis: It's a good thing you did.I never really liked her. In fact I hated her. She always took time away from me hanging out with you. I couldn't take that, not at all.

Shawn: It's a good thing I can hang out with you now. Bro I missed hanging out with you.

Travis: That girl had you all tied up with dates, and shopping. Whew! It's a good thing you have that concert tonight to get her off your mind.

Shawn: Ya, that concert tonight. I so can't wait to meet some better girls, Sydney was the worst! Well we are here with a few hours to spare. Wanna explore a bit?

Travis: We only have 2 hours till the concert. So, how about 1 hour we explore and the the last hour we go and meet some girls?

Shawn: Sounds like a plan to me. I wonder what kind of girls we would meet, pretty or nah.

Travis: That's you, me, I want to meet some grunge chicks. They are better than just pretty girls in my perspective.

Shawn: Ya I know you are into grunge yet pretty chicks. It's not the first time i heard this from you, grunge chicks are the best but I don't wanna seem like a guy who is taking your chicks.

Travis: Thanks Shawn, you are a really good friend. So what should we see first?

(2 hours later full of exploring and meeting girls)

Shawn: Be waiting backstage for me, okay Travis?

Travis: Okay Shawn, have an awesome concert.

Shawn: *walks on stage and first person he notices is Sydney* (Talks under breath) I didn't know she was gonna come.

(Concert ends and Shawn runs backstage to speak to Travis)

Shawn: Travis! I saw Sydney! I told her i didn't want to see her again and there she was right in the front row staring straight at me!

Travis: Calm down Shawn, it will all be okay. *both hear knocking at the door and Shawn goes to answer it*

Shawn: *Freezes in shock* What are you doing here!

Travis: Sydney! You weren't suppose to come!

Sydney: Sorry but I couldn't stay away when Shawn is still clearly in love with me.

Shawn: I never loved you! So get away Sydney. You aren't welcome here. And how did you even get in?

Sydney: That's a secret I am dying to tell you after our date.

Travis & Shawn: Date?!

*I haven't updated in a while. So sorry guys. I really hope you like this one since my best friend Travis told me to ditch Sydney because she was kind of a clinger. If you want you name to be in the next story comment it and I will choose which name I think is best, one for a male and one for a female*

Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now