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It was all a blur, Kalliste didn't know what happened. One thing she knew is that she can't let Aelia die. Not on her watch.

The car zoomed past the road, The forty-five minute distance from the city to Ravenwood was cut short to twenty. Aelia was gasping for breathe, holding on to Eirene tightly as she feels excruciating pain from the scratch left by the harpy.

It was torturous watching her, But they can't do anything about it.

When they arrived in the campus, they were greeted by various students who were watching them in curiosity, Kali didn't care, her focus is on Aelia so she lifted her up on her arms, it's a good thing the younger is very light. Kali and the rest ran to the infirmary where Ms. Galena, the school healer quickly tended to them.

"What happened here?" She asked as Kali lay Bella on one of the beds.

"Her arm's injured." Blair answered.
"A harpy attacked them."

"A harpy?" With that information, Ms Galena paled. She scrambled upon the shelves, Grabbing a few things and mixing it together before going back to Aelia, unconsciously laying on the bed. She grabbed the back of Bella's head supporting it as she poured the mixture in her parted mouth.
"That's only gonna slow down the poison from spreading, it won't stop it completely." She exclaimed watching the people around the room with a worried look.
"A harpy's poison is lethal. The only thing that can heal it is a unicorn horn. We don't have it here." Just as she said that, Ms. Lim barged in being alerted by some students.

"What happened to Ms. Fireheart?" She asked.

"We were in this Café in the city, A woman entered and she was looking for someone, Anwir Tyrion if I remember correctly, The guy wasn't there, so she started throwing a fit. She then suddenly throw this fireball which caused a commotion and people started panicking, Then she grew some wings. Grabbed someone then flew out, We followed her, Me, Eirene and Bella, It was so fast and it just attacked Aelia, then a wooden stake flew past us and hit the harpy on it's chest." Celestine explained quickly. Summarizing the event that occured.

"Ms Galena." Ms Lim turned to the healer, worry etched on her voice.

"I'm sorry Ms. Ammara, Only a unicorn horn has the power to cure a harpy's poison, You know we don't have it." She regretfully said.

"Why?" Everyone turned to Kali
"Why don't you have it? This is a fucking infirmary built to cure students. Why don't you have the one thing that's needed right now?" She exclaimed, voice raising from frustration. Tears streaming down her face.

"A unicorn horn is rare, when hunters found out the magic of a unicorns horn, they started hunting them. Killing them and selling their horns for a very high price. The number of unicorns started decreasing and now they can only be found in the enchanted forest." Ms. Lim stated. She looked down at Bella, Slowly palling, she know there's no other way to cure her, and it's hurting her.

I'm sorry, Einar. She called out in her mind.

"What? You're all just giving up? You won't even try to save her?!" Kali shouted. Blair held her, calming her down.

"Ms. Neredr-"

"There's got to be another way, ms. Lim." She cried. "please" and she begged dropping to her knees, she don't want to believe it, Aelia has to live.
"Ms. Galena, You're a healer. I'm sure you can use your power to save her."

"I wish I could, Kid. But this is beyond my ability. I can't cure her." She regretfully answered.

Everyone in the room cried, seems like it's the only thing that they can do. Kali was on the floor sobbing as Blair caressed her back, a silent comfort letting her best friend know that she's there. Eirene was wrapped in Celestine's arms, silently crying, as her girlfriend soothes her, while Ms. Lim stood there silently, watching her students with sorrow in her eyes.

Just as hope is diminishing from everyone in the room and Aelia is slowly dying.

A voice exclaimed "I can."everyone turned to the door.
"I can save her."


Pain. That's what I feel. An excruciating pain as it's getting harder to breath, I feel like my airways are closing and I am gasping for air.

I don't know what's happening. All of my senses seems to be blocked, not functioning, and all I know is that I'm scared.

Is this it? am I gonna die? I've only been training for a month. Is this because I'm weak?

I'm sorry dad. I failed you. You're a hero, and here I am dying because of a scratch. I should be ashamed.

I'm sorry, mom. I should've visited you and told you I'm sorry for leaving.

Darkness is slowly encompassing me. And I feel like falling deeper and deeper into this dark abyss, were silence is deafening.

Just as I was already accepting my faith and the last bit of life in me is getting drained. I saw a bright light and heard a voice calling out to me.

"Breath, Aelia." It said.

"It's not your time yet."

"Just breath."


I felt a glimmer of hope as I feel my lungs functioning again and my heart beating.

I gasped out a huge breathe and my body jerked up.

"Bella!" I heard someone call my name as I felt arms wrapped around me. It's Kali.
"Oh my God! You're alive." I quickly placed my arm around Kali as I feel and hear her sobs.

"I'm alive."

Here's a short update. Sorry for the wait, I got busy.

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