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Hi darlings~!

This is your one and only author speaking~ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )

Yes, I know I'm starting yet another book without finishing the others...( ≧Д≦)

But I've been having such bad writers block!


Here's my first one shot book ever!

In case you skipped the description:

☁️ ~ fluff

🌧 ~ angst

🌶 ~ Kissing/Making out

✨ ~ crack

If you want 18+ go to a different book (¬_¬)

(I recommend Straykids One Shots by 8matryoshkas )

But anywayyyyyysssss...

Each chapter will have a different theme, sometimes, I will post two parts.

But otherwise, they really don't have any connection to each other.

At the beginning of each chapter I will try and give some sort of explanation of the theme or scenario, whether it be supernaturals or enemies to lovers type shit.

I will make sure to add the proper emoji to each chapter, but if you feel as though it should be changed, please comment! Same with grammar mistakes, I do have a beta reader and i also proof read each chapter carefully, but sometimes I miss something, so I would appreciate if you would point it out!

And before I forget, if you have any requests please write them down on the bar below! I can't promise that I will get to it, but I will try to dish out these chapters as fast as possible until I regain motivation to write main stories. (Only member x member)


🍮 ~ Enjoy!

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