☁️ ~ Seungjin: Love

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Description ~ Seungmin in returning books for his older brother, when he runs into his best friend on the way to the school library. Unbeknownst to him, his friend has feelings for him, but Seungmin is scared that his own feelings are one sided.

Seungmin shut his locker with his hip at the sound of the bell, careful not to drop the precariously stacked textbooks in his arms. Wobbling around a bit, he finally managed to balance himself and trudged slowly to the library. 

"Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to help Wonpil..." Seungmin muttered, groaning under the weight of his load.

His older brother, who was a senior, had deposited a stack of books at Seungmin's feet earlier and dashed off with a vague explanation of why he couldn't return the books himself. And Seungmin, being foolish, had taken on the task.

The boy took small steps down the hall, glad that most of the students had left already. The library was only a couple feet away, when a pair of warm hands wrapped themselves over his eyes, causing him to freeze.

"Guess who~" The unidentified person teased, their voice taking on a honeyed, flirty tone.

Seungmin rolled his eyes, although he still couldn't see anything, "Hyunjin, I need to get to the library."

The hands withdrew and the boy blinked several times, adjusting to the bright light and his friend standing by his side. Frustratedly, he rolled his shoulders and continued walking. His arms were beginning to shake from how heavy the textbooks were, and he almost dropped a couple. 

"Do you need some help?" Hyunjin asked, reaching for the top three books.

Seungmin shook his head, almost tipping the stack over. As he was shifting the books back into place, his backpack slid off one shoulder and tugged on his elbow. It shifted his weight to the side and he stumbled, almost landing on his ass.

"Phew," He breathed a sigh of relief, when he managed to stay on his feet.

Hyunjin giggled, "Are you sure you don't want any help, love?"

Seungmin's ears and the back of his neck flushed, both at the sound of his friend's laugh, the pet name, and from embarrassment.

"Maybe a little wouldn't hurt..." Seungmin murmured, abashedly.

Hyunjin grinned, before sweeping half of the textbooks into his arms. He beckoned for Seungmin to follow him to the library. Once the doors swung shut behind them, the air was filled with an awkward silence.

"Hwang, Kim, how may I help you?" Mrs Kang, the librarian, asked, raising an eyebrow.

Seungmin carefully set the books down, "I'm here to return these books for my brother, Kim Wonpil."

"That child," She hummed, "Always making other people do his little errands."

Hyunjin also set his stack down on the counter, "Mrs Kang, do you mind if Seungmin and I stay in the library for a little?"

"Why?" She asked, peering at them down her nose, "Don't you remember the last time you hung out in my room together after school?"



Seungmin and Hyunjin were in the poetry section, the only aisle that was tucked away and remote, for hardly anyone except for professors went there to read. Other people usually went there to make out.

But the two boys were pulling books down from shelves, reading silly lines that made zero sense to them, out loud.

After one particular line about testicular inflammation, Seungmin and Hyunjin were doubled over in silent laughter.

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