🌶 ~ Seungjin: Let Me Have A Taste

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Description ~ Supernatural, Seungmin and Hyunjin are hanging out at the younger's house. They are watching shows, until a vampire movie pops up, and Hyunjin wonders if Seungmin believes in vampires. (Of course, Seungmin only suspects that Hyunjin is a blood sucking thingumajig) And things get a little heated/ *ahem* ✨sPiCy✨.

~ Guess who's going to be the power bottom?

~ Also... 🎶 jUsT lEt Me HaVe A tAsTe 🎶 

Seungmin and Hyunjin were laying on the couch, a blanket draped over their legs, and facing the TV. The two best friends were watching it with rapt fascination, until a certain scene played.

"Oh my god!" Seungmin hollered, "They're so fucking blind! HE. LOVES. YOU."

Hyunjin nodded, showing a similar amount of enthusiasm.

"It doesn't matter if his coworker can play tennis! HE NEEDS YOU FOR THE MISSION!" The latter screeched, "ALSO, YOU JUST BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER?"

Seungmin aggressively shoved popcorn in his mouth, and magically, he didn't choke. They both stared at the screen until the credits played, and then groaned.

"Now we have to wait a WHOLE other week..." Hyunjin grumbled, grabbing the remote and clicking back to the home page, "What do you want to watch now?"

The younger scrolled through the options, before stopping on a specific movie, trying to hold back a laugh.

Hyunjin furrowed his brows, confused.

"I forgot that there was a movie too," Seungmin managed between giggles.

Hyunjin turned his head to see the title, and his eyes widened comically.

"Tw*light? Really?"

"Come on! It'll be funny to make fun of it!"





"Seungmin, stop laughing! I can't hear the movie!" Hyunjin gasped, letting a few giggles escape.

The other was cackling so hard, that he had to stop for a moment to wipe away the tears trickling down his cheeks. His snickers would probably earn them a noise complaint from their neighbors.

"I'm sorry-haha-sorry," Seungmin shrieked, almost choking on air, "I just can't believe he GLOWS!"

He took another look at the screen, and burst into a fit of louder laughter, slapping Hyunjin's arm. Hyunjin reached over and paused the movie, a smile of disbelief on his face.

Seungmin finally calmed down a little, a few hiccuping laughs still bubbling up every now and then. His chest hurt from laughing so hard. Suddenly, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face as he thought of something.

"Isn't it funny?"

Hyunjin startled, "What?"

Seungmin looked at him strangely, "That people actually think that vampires exist."

"Haha...yeah," Hyunjin agreed awkwardly, licking his lips nervously.

The younger eyed him suspiciously, "I mean, what kind of person can actually survive on blood, isn't that inhumane?"

Hyunjin gulped, bobbing his head up and down, "T-Totally, I'm with you one hundred percent."

"What if..." Seungmin leaned closer to his best friend, smirking, "what if I was a vampire?"

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