Rebellion War Heroes!

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Rey excitedly unbuckles her seatbelt and hurries back.

"Her piloting skills are pretty good I have to say. Not the best by a long shot of course, but fairly well for a novice." he remarks.

"She certainly has some hidden talent for sure." Master Koon agrees.


Rey races past BB-8, who is RETRACTING his safety restraints. Finn, adrenalized, climbs from the turret, meets Rey in the corridor, the LOUNGE in the b.g..

(CONTINUED) CONTINUED: REY FINN: Good shooting! Thanks! I- Now that was some I don't know! - I've flying! How did you flown some ships but I've do that?! No one never left the planet! trained you? No one? Your last shot was dead That was amazing! on. You got him with one (beat) blast! You set me up for it! (laughs) (cocky) It was perfect! That was pretty good.

Everyone just sits there in stunned silence, not sure at what to say about the words just relayed between the two onscreen.

"What... did they just say?" Ahsoka asks. Anakin slowly shakes his head. "No idea Snips."

They're just staring at each other now, seeing something odd and weird and wonderful - two people totally inexperienced in joy and camaraderie. BB-8 BEEPS something urgent - she turns to the droid, kneels.

REY: You're ok. He's with the Resistance. He's going to get you home. We both will. (TO FINN) I don't know your name.

"I wonder when she'll figure out he isn't actually with the Resistance," Ahsoka wonders.

"I'm not sure when but I doubt Finn will like her reaction when it comes." Anakin says with a grin. Obi-Wan eyes him. "You sound like you speak from experience."

Anakin stutters a little bit. "W-well you know, Senator Amidala are good friends that's all." he says awkwardly.

"I'd love to know what you told her then." Obi-Wan says with a playful grin. Anakin rolls his eyes.

FINN: Finn. What's yours.

REY: I'm Rey

BB-8 looks at him: really? Finn is reminded: HE'S LIED TO HER. She looks at Finn with a sweet smile.

"I smell a love story..." Anakin mutters with a grin. Ahsoka smirks. "Well I'm glad we have a name for Rey, sounds like a pretty cool name!"

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes. "Oh Anakin, how many times how you going to comment on someone's possible love life?"

Anakin grins. "What? It sounds romantic Master! As well as you and..." he stops talking under the glare that Obi-Wan gives him. Yoda chuckles in amusement.

FINN: Rey...

But before Finn can say anything they JUMP: across the lounge, STEAM BURSTS from under the grating.

"Well that doesn't look good," Master Koon remarks. Anakin nods in agreement. "Seems like the motivator may be damaged or weak." He observes.

REY: Help me with this! Quick!

They hurry to the grating, PULL IT UP together. BB-8 rolls over, watches.

FINN: Whoa! What's going on?

She goes below as BB-8 BEEPS concern.


The First Order Star Destroyer above Jakku.


Lieutenant Mitaka moves to Ren, who looks out across the star field. Mitaka swallows, uneasy with his task.

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