Luke Skywalker

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The area where the RALLY was held is now COLLAPSING into a giant sink hole!

"That is so satisfying to watch," Anakin remarks with a grin.

"I'll say." Ahsoka says in agreement.

"Indeed Skywalker." Master Plo says with a nod, an unnoticeable smile on his face.

We WHIP PAN to a YOUNG TECHNICIAN, who watches this out the control room window in horror. He hurries off, passing COLONEL DATOO, who admonishes:

COLONEL DATOO: Lieutenant, get back to your station!

YOUNG TECHNICIAN: (stops, fleetingly) Just look. We won't survive - even Hux has gone!

"I would say coward but, he's right. There's nothing they can do in that situation." Anakin says.

"Better to live and fight another day than to die in a futile effort. Even if it's the wrong side." Obi-Wan says in agreement.

As he hurries off, WE HEAR:

GENERAL HUX (V.O.) Supreme Leader.

Everyone narrows their eyes, paying attention, wondering how Supreme Leader Snoke would react to the destruction of his prized weapon. The Council chambers once again grow cold, reacting to Snoke's presence.


Hux stands before SNOKE'S IMAGE. Relative quiet here, but distant SOUNDS OF DESTRUCTION. Hux tries to keep it together but is horrified, heartsick:

A few of the Jedi eye Hux's expression with disgust and contempt. He's acting like someone who just lost their child, or a spoiled brat who's complaining about losing something he wanted.

GENERAL HUX: The fuel cells have ruptured. The collapse of the planet has begun.

Snoke takes this in. Furious, desolate... knowing.

SNOKE: Leave the base at once and come to me with Kylo Ren. (GRIM) It is time to complete his training.

Anakin and a few others blink in surprise, not expecting such a calm, collected response.

"I would've thought he'd be furious about that." Anakin observes.

Yoda frowns, closing his eyes in thought. "Hmm. Served its purpose, the weapon did. Destroyed the Republic it did, yes," he recalls sadly. The reminder of that great catastrophe that is supposed to happen in the future saddens the mood of the rest of the Jedi.


Rey turns, runs a hundred feet through the forest to: FINN, who lies, near death, not far from where the GROUND FELL AWAY.

Rey falls to her knees near him, turns him over, sees his cauterized but possibly fatal wound.

"Poor Finn..." Anakin says sadly. Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and a few others nod their heads in agreement, even Master Windu. Nobody would wish a painful death like that on anybody.

REY: Finn! Finn...

Tears come to her eyes as she lifts him, holds his lifeless body in her arms. Snow flurries around them as she cries, holding this boy who she just met, who she already adores. They are left here to die - nearby MORE TREES DROP as the planet continues to COLLAPSE.

Anakin sighs, being reminded of the death of his mother all over again. the scenario seems so similar; both are holding on to a loved one, whose life is slowly slipping away, and there's nothing they can do about it to change or reverse the problem. Obi-Wan puts a hand on his shoulder, sensing his distress.

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