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WITH HEELS CLICKING VEHEMENTLY, a woman who looked to be in her early 20's couldn't help but purse her lips

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WITH HEELS CLICKING VEHEMENTLY, a woman who looked to be in her early 20's couldn't help but purse her lips. There was not a soul in sight, other than the severed head of a human dangling from her belt. It had been a little while since she was here, about 300 years to be exact, yet not a single thing about this place had changed.

At least it doesn't look any.. uglier than before, she thought to herself. The place she had found herself casually strolling through was none other than her father's domain, the Infinity Castle.


A smile finally formed over the frown she was carrying, but she wanted to have a little bit of fun. She didn't turn to face the voice, instead choosing to look at her darling diamond-encrusted nails.

"I was expecting a little more than just plain silence upon my arrival back home," she pouted, "are you really that afraid I'll break your little covenant of demons that serve under you?"

When she didn't hear a response, she decided it was worth pushing her luck even the tiniest bit.

"I'm surprised they haven't dropped dead. Like a certain someone here—"


She felt the burning sensation run through her veins, though it didn't bother her one bit. She finally turned around to face the voice, the solid gold bangles on her arms clinking against one another as she did so.

"I would say it's great to see you, Father," she quickly frowned, "but we both know you're not a sight worth seeing."

"It makes life much more bearable now that you've finally grown up," he commented blandly, "much better than the foolish child you used to be."

"I am simply what you've made me," she scoffed, "you can stop with your bloody defensiveness, it's getting annoying."

The male quickly retracted the flesh-eating cells from her body, realizing his mistake.


"Yes, you're sorry for that. You can't control your anger sometimes. And you've missed this darling daughter of yours that is now a renowned Princess," she interrupted, twirling a loose strand of her cloudy white hair, "I've missed you too."

The two didn't need to say anything else, her father held a knowing smirk on his face. His darling diva of a daughter was finally home, and she held the reins exactly as he'd hoped she would.

— — — —

"Huh? An Uppermoon meeting? Did one of us perish?" Gyokko, the current Uppermoon 5 muttered as he scanned the castle.

He looked over to see Uppermoon 4, Hantengu shivering as he realized he was teleported directly in the center of an open-spaced platform.

"Onii-chan!" a high pitched voice wailed, "Why were we summoned? I was just about to have a yummy meal!"

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