8.Sleeping powder

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Happy reading<3<3<3


It's been a few weeks since the kissy kissy hihihhihihih, They kept going on the roof during lunch and Friday after school. Emira was still scared to drop the L bomb, Viney was still shy and very nervous when they hugged and when Em kissed her cheek when she said goodbye even though she was getting used to the hand holding and hug, the kisses were just too much to not panic over.

Em never had a lot of actual love but as she grew older she enjoyed more and more playfully flirting with her close friends, none really ever flirted back. Viney was one of the first to do and it just made her fall more than she already did and since the kiss she didn't know what to feel anymore. She knew she loved the girl, but didn't know what her parents would think of her dating a multi-track student. But Amity was dating Luz, human and a girl so she might have her chance. She decided to keep her coming out/complicated relationship with Viney out of the house for now.

Viney on her side never really felt love as much as she did right now, she had a few crushes growing up but never had dared to do the first step but she was very happy Em did the first move and now that they got to kissing she would try to get used to all the love she is receiving now before actually confessing and getting an actual girlfriend, her mom on the other hand knew her daughter wasn't exactly straight there was just something about her that screamed gay you know, maybe it was the fish hook earring.


i dont really know what to do this chapter

Today was Friday a day, our two witches really look forward to, it was the day they could relax together after a week of school and really let out all their stress before they had to go home and do assignments or whatever they needed to do.

This time Viney was the one waiting for Em, She finished a little earlier today but didn't mind waiting for her crush. When the green girl finally arrived her eyes lit up and she walked over to the other witch who also had a little smile when Viney appeared and hugged her but she was upset this week was a lot and she really needed some alone time- well with Viney but some time away from people.

(Not me who just remembered boiling rain was a thing)

They hugged for a little bit until they looked up at the sky to see clouds forming up and cluttering the blue above "I think it would be best to not stay here- i'll ask mom if i can stay at yours until the rain clears up" Em spoke without giving it much thought.

Viney nodded "alright- i think my mom would understand- we should get going." they reluctantly stopped hugging and started the short walk towards the brunette's house, quickly their hands found their way into each other by reflex. neither seem to mind that at this point it just happens.

Em pulled out her scroll and went to her and her mother's messages, she typed fast

Hey mom im gonna be late because of the rain.

i'm staying at my friend's house. Sorry for the inconvenience. see you in a bit, farewell


'Ouch. I'm getting a lecture later.' She thought visibly getting upset but getting reminded by her hand getting squeezed she was safe for now, she looked up at the girl who smiled at her. her only thought was kissing her now "You're pretty when you smile." she said absentmindedly which made the other girl look away smiling widely "T-thanks, you too-" was all she could muster for now.

When they arrived in front of the house rain started to drizzle around the couple, they quickly rushed to the door, which was locked- 'Of course the only day it starts raining she locks the door-' the brunette thought as she knocked on the door, a middle aged woman opened it.

"Hello dear, how was scho-" the woman said before noticing Em "hello there, who might you be?"

"Oh yes um, good afternoon, I'm one of Viney's friends,We were talking after school when the rain started to appear. My house is farther away then yours so she invited me to stay until it's done pouring." she ranted slightly

Viney's mom thought for an instant "i see- well you're welcome to stay, any friend of my daughter is my friend as well" she smiled warmly, she noticed they were holding hands and raised an eyebrow "Friends huh?" she teased

The two gay witches were reminded and quickly separated their hands "Yup! best of pals." Viney said, smiling nervously getting a smirk, the two walked in, the door closed behind them "My name is Emira by the way-" the green witch added

"I'll be in the living room if you two need anything, Emira feel like at home just don't kiss in front of me and we're in the money mmk?" the woman asked teasingly making Emira snort

"Mom!" Viney said looking away blushing "Anyways- Em let's go to my room-" she took the green witch's hand and they made their way to Viney's room.

"I knew she was gay." her mother thought celebrating her discovery in her head. 'i'll talk to her when our guest is gone.'


well that chapter is ok i think i hope you enjoyed it, the next one will be nicer though i promise i really enjoy writing here :)

i just realised my chapter seem really short but i like doing chapters like that but being able to release one every day than a bigger chapter every week tbh. i dont know but i like that

anyways have a very good day my little sillies<3<3<3< BYEEE

PS: Raine i'm gonna take u to the library and we are gonna have so much fun being bookworms :) (i really enjoy leaving little notes to my best friend i hope yall dont mind)

Heart to Heart (Viney x Emira)Where stories live. Discover now