9.Ain't that a kick in the head

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As the two stepped into the room, the atmosphere was really gloomy and relaxing, raindrops falling down outside the window, the light was enough to fall asleep but not so dim you couldn't actually see around. When Emira closed the door, that's when the real ambiance started appearing constructing.

"Soooo- what do you wanna do?" Viney asked smiling widely, even if it wasn't the first time the Blight was in her room, she couldn't help but feel really happy about the whole situation.

Em thought for a second and quickly nodded "I don't really know- I don't have anything to do except homework but i am not doing homework on a Friday night. but wouldn't mind doing you~" Emira said that last part with her soft voice and a smug looking grin on her face

Viney blushed deeply looking away, she thought quickly "We could watch Amphibia" she blurted out rubbing her neck sheepishly

(Speaking of that, i really need to continue watching it-)

"What's that? it's sounds interesting" Em answered cocking her head to the side raising her hand to her shin, imagining what that could mean.

"Well it's a series Luz showed me a while back and i decided to get started with it now but i think i was thinking like 'hey i could watch that with Emira, i bet she would like it too'" the girl said imitating herself in an exaggerated manner.

The green witch giggled seeing the the girl in front of her ramble slightly moving closer to her, she pat her head a few times. "Sure, it seems okay and if Luz recommending it's probably weird enough to be cool, that that she's weird i mean- oh you get it." she gave up, sitting on the bed, letting herself fall back and just plopped there.

this made Viney giggle "You're so silly, i like that." she sat next to her crush/lover? she didn't know anymore, though, she wanted to ask Em what they were really bur never find an appropriate time to. 'maybe this was it.' she thought laying down as well.

She grabbed the globe, ball thingy (Like the thing they use to watch tv in this show i don't know what its called anymore I'm having soup brain deal with it.) and set it down next to them so the two could watch together.

the two witches scooted closer to each other Emira wrapped her arms around the brunette, Viney was the little spoon, the taller witch resting her hand ontop of hers. She began to play the first episode. smiling widely, she couldn't hope for more right now.

An hour passed the two still snuggling and being goofballs

They finished watching a few episodes when Viney glanced at the window and saw it was still raining. 'Titan, it's a big storm again' she thought "Hey greenie, are you hungry? and it's still raining-" she paused the video, the girl got up and looked back at Emira "ya coming?"

"Yeah- I'm kinda hungry." Em admitted sitting up. "Wanna go ask your mom if we can eat?" she took out her scroll and looked at the time

7 PM. light up on the screen.

"huh. It's getting late-" she thought out loud and jumped up to her feet She followed the brunette out of the room.


When they arrived in the kitchen, Viney's mother was sitting there scrolling on her scroll. the woman looked up at the pair "Hey kids! still raining huh?" she said more as a statement than a question.

The two nodded "yeah.." Em spoke up and resting her shoulder on top of Viney's head "Sooo- we are hungry, what's for dinner?" she smiled at the older woman.

Viney grabbed the arm above her and removed it "I'm not an arm rest!" she pouted

She giggled "Well we have a lot of things but there's fairy pie if you'd like" she put her scroll down and went over to the oven and opening it pulling out a plate of pie that was warm but cool enough to hold.

The teenagers sat next to each other and waited for the food like two kids. they shared a giggle looking at each other.

Viney's mom placed the plate on the table and sat in front of the two gays. The three ate while talking and getting to know each other.


The rain finally stopped. Emira sat up and looked out the window to confirm her thoughts and yep rain is bye bye "Well, ladies it was a very nice staying here but i think it's time i go home" she giggled, she liked using flowery words.

The older woman spoke up "It was nice yes, i wouldn't mind if you came over more" she smiled watching Emira head to the door-

"W-wait!" Viney spoke up getting up and going over her green witch "Can i accompany you? because its dangerous to walk alone around this time" she giggled nervously asking

"Sure if you want." she giggled and ruffled the smaller girl's hair "let us go then" she laughed softly and opened the door "Goodbye ma'am!!" the two stepped out and started walking the path towards the rich part of town and Em's house.



well fellas another chapter down and i think i got the story down but idk how to really introduce what i want yet

Sorry about yesterday i wasn't feeling and writers block was just bleh but i liked that chapter

So yeag thanks for sticking around and reading this :)

have an amazing day

And with that Sasha signing out (and crying about my exams)

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