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 It had been a week since the incident and since Reverie moved into Seven's home. Turned out that Niko only stayed there when his place at the base was too overwhelming. Reverie took a quick shower and then put on a baggy shirt and tucked it into her high-waisted jeans. Seven had gone out to get them for her. She really appreciated everything he was doing for her.

Reverie headed downstairs to the kitchen and got herself a bowl of cereal. Seven had already opened the bar and was getting things ready for customers. It wouldn't be too busy on a Wednesday night, so he didn't expect a lot of people, therefore letting her sleep in a little bit. She'd been taking care of cleaning the bar when nobody was there and then making and serving appetizers when she could. She heard the door open and she sighed hearing NIko's footsteps.

"You're still here." He said annoyed and went to the fridge. He got out the orange juice and poured a glass of it.

"Yeah, free rent, good paying job." She said back. "Don't think I am leaving anytime soon so you might as well get used to me Niko." She said to him.

"As if." He said. "Don't get in my way." He snapped at her and then put the glass down, heading to the bar. Reverie sighed, shaking her head and then continued to eat her cereal.

When Reverie was done eating, she put her bowl in the sink to wash later. She went to the bar and saw Niko sitting at the bar with some asian guy with long black hair, messily put into a half ponytail. Seven was behind the bar making drinks for them. Reverie didn't pay much attention to the two, but apparently Niko and this other guy couldn't keep their mouths shut.

"Oo, is this the girl you've been complaining about?" The asian man said to Niko. Niko visibly facepalmed into his hands.

"Shut up Ezra." Niko said as he took a swig of the whiskey in front of him. He kept quiet and so did Seven. Ezra shrugged and continued to drink. Reverie went behind the bar.

"Is there anything you need me to do, Seven?" She asked the older man behind the bar. He smiled sweetly at her and placed his hand on top of her head. "Will you wash those glasses over there for me please Reverie." He asked. "Ignore them, especially Ezra." He said. She nodded and turned to go do what she was told. She sighed and put her hair into a high ponytail. She put soap in the glass and then she washed it out with a rag.

"So cutie, why are you all bruised up? Did Niko do something to you? If he did, I'll beat his ass for you sweetheart." Ezra spoke smoothly. Reverie cringed at his words. "Ouch!" Ezra exclaimed as Niko kicked his leg from under the bar. "What was that for?"

"Just felt like it." Niko said and shrugged, taking another drink. Reverie was still a bit groggy from the events a few days ago. She wanted to help out as much as she could to repay Seven for everything he has done for her. Ezra looked at Reverie with a smirk.

"Hey sweetheart, tell me what brought you here." Ezra pried.

"It really isn't any of your business." Reverie muttered and went back to what she was doing. Ezra couldn't help but laugh.

"Feisty isn't she?" Ezra said. "Hey cutie, don't listen to Niko here, he's cocky and controlling and loves himself a bit too much." He said only to get kicked again. Ezra yelped in pain. "What the fuck, Niko?" Seven laughed at the two and looked over at Reverie who seemed to be spaced out and in her own world.

"Are you okay? Do you need a break?" Seven asked, laying his hand on her shoulder. She sighed and nodded.

"Yeah... I'm okay. Thanks." She told him softly. "May I be excused?" She asked. He nodded and she went outside to vape. She took a hit, held it in and slowly blew it out. She sat down and rubbed her eyes trying not to think about that night. It was too hard. She could hear Seven scolding the two boys for being assholes. Reverie groaned and sighed not wanting to deal with any of this anymore. The more that she thought about her life, the more it didn't seem worth living. She rubbed her face and got up and took a walk to go get some things from the store since she could actually buy for herself and not for someone else. She sensed someone behind her.

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