Looking for Answers

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I know he is hiding something from me but what? He gotta be out of his mind and two seconds away from crazy town to believe that I'm just going to wait. I don't know him like that but I want to. It's driving me crazy not knowing it's been a week and it seems like he is avoiding me. Wtf is going on? Him and his lil group of friends are doing everything they can to avoid me. What now, I can't try to be friends with anyone in his group? He's really starting to piss me off.

"Hey Desi wait up"

Stopping in my tracks I see my girls, Sarah Miller and Samantha Johnson.

"Where the hell have you two been?"

I asked them as I pulled them into a group hug.

"Oh you know how John gets when strangers come to town." Samantha said.

"He goes all alpha male on us" added Sarah.

Ok I guess you are a little confused right now. Well the thing is their both coyote shifters. I guess you wondering how I know, well I went all ninja on they ass and followed them home. They tried to hide it but not much gets passed me. Long story short I saw them shift and almost died. Good thing they found me passed out not to far away from them and took me to their alpha male, Jonathan Banks. If you didn't know a coyote pack does not have an alpha. Only a leader who is the most ruthless in the pack is considered the alpha male. This is determined by showing dominance in strength and power by basically fighting others who challenge you. I'm told that it doesn't happen as much as it does in wolf packs but I'm not sure since I have not met one. Honestly I wouldn't know since we're- animals don't just got around telling the world. I don't blame them especially with all the hunters out to get them.

Do you want to know the best part about being a were-animal? MATES. When they told me that everyone of their kind has a special someone out their that would love and cherish them no matter what, I was hooked. I haven't said anything but I hope that someone out there will love me and not try to use me for my wealth. That's another reason why I started going to school here the way I did. I don't like fake ass people. If you couldn't treat me like I was a person and not something you find on the bottom of your shoes before, then don't step to me now. I want to be someone's first choice and I won't take anything else. Some of these guys might look good on the outside but are ugly on the inside. Don't get me wrong all the guys didn't pick on me and push me to make me fall just so they friends can laugh. No it was worse, they watched and did nothing to help or acted like they didn't see anything at all. I can't stand a bully but I simply hate cowards. Knowing they could of helped someone out but refused so instead they start turning on them too, pathetic. Anyways we getting off topic again but please forgive me my mind tends to wander. So my girls are finally allowed to come back to school even if they here to keep an eye on all the new hotness in school. Even though they all got everyone trying to talk to them none of them is as hot as Drake.

"Desi are you even listening to us?" Samantha asked.

To be honest I got distracted but who can blame me when I spot Drake across the hall giving my girls the stink eye. I don't know who he thinks he is but I can help him fix his face. Just cause my girls are shifters don't mean shit to me, they are MINE point black plain and simple. No one is going to disrespect my girls, especially not in front of me.

"Hey jackass, you got a problem?"

I asked him as I walked over towards him. I could feel someone pulling on my arms telling me to back down but fuck t

hat. No one is going to push me around this year and get away with it. Even though he didn't do nothing to me it's the principle. No one looks down on my girls especially him.


I was walking down the hall with some of my pack when I seen my mate talking to two coyote shifters. I know those pathetic things don't think they can keep her from me. I narrow my eyes at them and let an almost inaudible growl rumble out, bad idea.

"Hey jackass, you got a problem?"

Damn, that's not good.

" Hey Desiree" I said trying to play it off.

"Don't 'hey' me dipwad"

What the hell is a dipwad? I'm not sure that I have never heard someone called something so ridiculous and her is my mate calling me such a thing, unspeakable. 

"You got a problem with my girls Drake? If so I will break your face."

I see her flinch when she mentions causing me any kinds of pain but she stands firm to her decision an

"You know I meant nothing by it so stop playing"

Shit that came out wrong but before I can correct myself she gets this murderous look on her face and i quickly shut my mouth. 

"What the hell is your problem? You haven't spoken to me in days and this is all that you have to say, are you serious?"

My wolf is acting up because I have been avoiding our mate and now he seems determined to make her made for some strange reason. Stop it Felix, my wolf name. He ignores me and pushes out some power towards her like is trying to make her submit. WTF are you doing you know we do not make our mates bow to us in this way. Again he says nothing but then I get it when I finally focus back into what she was saying and I see her eyes flash a brilliant shade of purple. All I can do when her eyes flash back is grab her possessively by the neck and kiss her with everything in me. My mate is a shifter as well but why can't I tell what can but what's important is why doesn't she know. Next thing I know she up and punches me in the face so fast that even if I was paying attention I would of missed it. That really fucking hurt, with that in mind I look at my mate holding a broken bloody nose. What have I done?

I look up horrified to see blood streaming from my mates nose. I have got to be the worst mate ever. 

"I'm so sorry Desiree I didn't mean for it to happen like this"

I say as she gets an confused look on her but all of a sudden her eyes widen and she looks at one of her coyote friends. Now I'm the one that is confused, does she know about shifters already? I get my answer when they node and smile at her.

"O hell yes" 

She laughs and fist pumps the air while doing a happy dance. I'm both excited and confused about the possibility that I don't have to go through the whole mate freak out stage. The Moon Goddess was really thinking about the fact that she could reject me and leave me without someone to carry on my name and take my place. 


I'm so happy I can have some one that will always be there for me and I know will never stray away from me. It looks like I finally got the answers that I was looking for.

Hi everyone I'm so glad that you guys did not give up on my story. I will try to update again soon but I can't really say for sure so please bear with me and I will do what I can as soon as I can. If you like my story so far then don't forget to vote and comment.

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