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As soon as I walk into the gym I knew something was wrong. Where's the coach I thought looking around starting to panic. He's never late for class he hates that shit with a passion. Trust me I know since I'm always one of the people that is ALWAYS late for his class. It's not my fault but he doesn't care. I think he needs to get laid but what do I know since I'm still a virgin. Stupid boys think I'm fat but I'm not. I'm top heavy and have a fat ass that's all. If I wasn't so self conscious I would prove it to these snooty bitches . Speaking of which guess who's coming my way.

"Hey fat ass about time you hit the gym." said that head cheerleader Tiffany Sanders.

I try to go around her but she just follows me into the changing room. Big mistake now I'm trapped in here with a lot of other snooty bitches. In a matter of seconds they have me surrounded.

"Bet you didn't think I saw you checking out my man bitch?" Tiffany said as she pulled a pair of scissors in her hand. She had this evil smile on her face that made me want to run. When I did someone grabbed a handful of my hair and I the sound of scissors closing. I stopped dead in my tracks and moved my hands to the back of my head. Praying that she didn't just cut my beautiful hair. if I could see my face I knew I had a look of horror when I turned to face her. I could hear the other girls laughing behind me and taking pictures. All I saw was Tiffany with a smug smile on her face.

"You done fucked up now" I screamed as I tackled her skinny ass to the floor.

"Get her off me" she screeched in a high pitched voice.

I could feel them pulling on my shirt and hair trying to get me off this bitch. Nothing worked. I balled my hands into fists and started going ham. I punched her ugly face so many times that it seemed like my hits just kept getting harder and harder. It was confirmed when I punched her in the nose and heard this sickening crunch. I didn't care she thinks I'm ugly then I'll just fuck up her 'pretty' face. She tried to block my punches but I was a fucking beast.

"I'm tired of your shit. You're always picking on me and pulling mean pranks. Know this things are going to change and you and your pathetic boyfriend is at the top of my list." I screamed in her face getting up before I got caught. I turned and walked out not realizing that one of the other girls decided to finish cutting my hair. No sooner than I walked out of the gym the bell rung. I'm so glad it's the last day of school. Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice Chad Johnson, Tiffany's boyfriend, in front of me walked right into him.

"Watch where you're going loser" he said as he pushed me to the floor.

"What happened to your hair it looks like you got run over by a lawn mower"

That's it this is the last time I take shit from anyone. I kicked my leg out to make him fall. I pounced on him like a rabid dog. He had a look of shock when my fist connected with his face and broke his nose. Automatically moving his arms up to keep me from doing more damage. Like that's going to stop me I laughed. My fists were starting to swell at this point so I got up and left him laying there crying like a lil bitch. Where are all the adults I thought, probably trying to get away from this dump. I can't wait until school starts again so I can show them who the real losers are. I ran to my car so I can hurry up and put some ice on my poor hands. The whole time I hear everyone laughing. Yeah laugh it up bitches you'll pay for it next year when me and my girls take over.

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