chapter 15

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How did it end like this? How did his day end with Kurokawa of all people being the one to tell him this.

"You only now realized this, haven't you?"

When even Kurokawa used her tone of disbelief, instead of her usual tone of heavily dosed sarcasm, you knew you were either going through a mid-life crisis or broken through the info-broker's formerly though bottom of stupidity.

Tsuyoshi was too much of a pro to jump at sudden touch, but he felt his heart burst when the broker gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. He gave her a stinging look, disappointed when Kurokawa gave no reaction. He was out of touch, hardened criminals used to flinch from his gaze.

“Face it, you’ve changed, you care.”

A stray cat hissed at the two, before scampering away at his glare.

I still got it, Tsuyoshi thought, watching the cat run away.

“How can you be so sure of that?” Tsuyoshi defended weakly, already regretting his words at her predatory gaze.

Anyone worth their salt in the criminal underbelly knew you can’t win a fight with pure strength along. It's why despite info brokers like Kurokawa, lacking physical strength, no one would dare disrespect them. A single tip of information could change everything, it’s why brokers like Mammon of the Varia could have such expensive prices.

Having a decent broker within your circle could, and would many times be, the only thing between life and death. Kurokawa, or Alias as many would call her, was someone who had his back many times in the past.

While She had charged him outrageous prices many times in the past, Tsuyoshi at least knew her information would be reliable. Arguing with someone of Kurokawa’s capabilities was often fruitless at best, and downright humiliating at best.

He was already familiar with the deadpan expression being pointing towards him. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’ve been your only contact,” at this she gave him a well-deserved glare. “Case in point, me having to listen to your mother henning of this Perry kid.”

“Percy,” he corrected, shrinking back at her unimpressed look, proving her point.

Finding the barest whiff of sympathy in her admittedly dry heart, Kurokawa took a deep breath, schooling her face into her best commiserating face, “look, maybe it isn’t that bad?” at Tsuyoshi’s own dry expression, she quickly continued.

“Okay, so maybe you finally made a positive human connection.” She uncharacteristically flung her arms, “and yeah, you’re on the run from one of the most prominent Yakuza organizations in Japan-”

“You really are great at this.”

“-Oh shut up you baboon and listen,” Tsuyoshi snapped his mouth shut, Kurokawa exhaled, muttering to herself “give the patience to deal with this buffoon.”

The back of a Japanese restaurant was there they’d decided to meet, the restaurant being owned by one of her contacts, everyone working there knew how to keep their mouth shut. Hints of ginger and other herbs constantly wafted out, giving them both a sense of familiarity.

Pinching her lips together, letting out a final exhale she continued. “Life hasn’t gone your way in a long time but use your brains for once and think. You have a chance to be happy, and don’t lie to me.” she snapped at Tsuyoshi as he started to open his mouth, watching approvingly as he speedily stopped his attempt to interject into the conversation. “Being with this kid and Sally makes you happy, and I swear to god you need to get that through your thick head.”

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