chapter 2

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The apartment felt almost haunted with how silent it was, with no guttered laughter coming from the kitchen, or demands for food being shouted through the corridor. It was quiet, but a good sort of quiet.

Percy stirred from Sally's side, waking her up slowly. Her mind still muddled from the night before. I still can't believe it, Sally thought, as she began to get out of bed. "Gabe's gone," she testing the feeling of the words in her mouth, Sally's lips quirked upwards, she found she quite liked the feeling of the words. "Gabe's gone," she repeated to further cement the truth into her head.

When Gabe left last night, Sally wasted no time in dialing the police, and telling them about Gabe and his buddies. She was told, he wouldn't get out of prison in a long time.

Small footsteps headed towards her. "Mommy?" Percy's messy bed hair and sleep aided eyes made quite an adorable appearance. Sally's eyes softened.

"Yes dear?" Percy stepped closer towards her and Sally crouched down, smiling towards her son.

"Is smelly Gabe gone? I don't want him around anymore."

Sally's smile softened. Yes, she had made the right choice.

For the first time in a while there was light chatter coming from the dining table, unburdened from Gabe's former presence.

There was still the looming worry of how Sally would protect Percy from the monsters, but for now, there was a peace they haven't felt in a long time.

             The ringing in his ear didn't stop until the plane landed, and even so, his knuckles were white from grasping the arm rests too tightly. It took a while, but soon blood rushed back into his hand, returning it to its original tone.

The last few days felt like he was running on fumes, only ever resting when his son needed to sleep. He looked over to his son on his left and some of the remaining tension in his arm started to leave. Just a few more, hours. He stroked his sons hair while watching his small chest go up and down, he found himself doing this lately, just to remind himself that they are both alive.

He looked over in front of him, noting that soon it would be their turn to stand and leave. "C'mon buddy, its time to wake up," he said while slowly shaking him awake. A small groan emanated from the small boy, his father grinned while shaking his head.

Seeing as his son still wasn't fully awake yet, he put on his backpack, the only 'luggage' they had brought, and started slowly lifting up his son. The backpack wasn't too heavy, considering they needed to travel light.

After making sure his son was secure, he started walking down the plane aisle, taking care to not shift his son too much.

The flight attendants waved him and his son goodbye, wishing them both a good day.

After exiting the plane, the rest was child's play, following the crowds of people and showing the airport security a passport.

Getting his hands on mist enveloped fake passports, for both him and his son were a pain in neck, but one he would do again in a heartbeat.

He pulled in the favor Kurokawa owned him, in order to get the passports and plane tickets with no paper or digital trail. The former broker will scam you ten ways till you're broke, but she will respect a favor when its owed.

Millions of people go through the doors of an airport; so no one thought of anything when a man, carrying his son stepped out.

The father looked around, taxi's picking people up, a gaggle of teens walking to the left, and a small dog, yapping at everything that moved.

He looked around, paranoia keeping him at the lookout.

Kurokawa promised no one would know where or who he is, but old habits die hard, especially in such a noisy area. 

His son shifted in his arms, trying to find a more comfortable position. The boy's father smiled and started to move, this would all be worth it he thought.

He and his wife had talked about moving to America as a joke before they got married. Saying how he could disappear from the Japanese underworld by hiding in another crime infested city, hiding in plain sight she called it.

Retrospect was a bitch. Mokona, his wife was dead, murdered for leaving the family. They said it was a warning, and that he and his son would be next if he didn't come back. He gripped the backpack strap, trying to calm himself. He would protect his son and make sure no harm came to him.

The Oyabun had offered to take in his son, as they had with him when he was young. They believed he would go active, seeing how his father was also an active flame user.

He unclenched his jaw, seething at even the thought of them getting their hands on his child. He just needs to stay here long enough until he's told they stopped looking for him and his son. Thankfully their influence doesn't have a large reach on the mobs here.

They would survive, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto swore, his eyes lighting with a faint blue.

Sally Jackson kissed her son before she left for work, she didn't want to leave him but the rent would be due soon. She hugged Percy one more time, "okay Percy, mommy's going to work, stay safe okay." Even though she needed to go, her heart tensed, worried someone would come in and hurt her child.

She looked at Percy and unconsciously frowned. The bruises left behind by Gabe were no longer that bad, but there were still some yellow residuals around his arm. She feared Percy would be hurt again, especially with Gabe's scent starting to wear out.

"Mom" Percy with a childish but solemn expression, recapturing her attention, "I'll be fine don't worry too much." Sally smiled, when had Percy become so finely attuned to her true feelings?

She rubbed Percy's hair, making him pout and reach out his arms, try to stop her from further messing up his already messy hair. "Alright sweetheart," she patted his head one last time before starting to stand, with the worry about Percy a bit lessened.

Her uncle Rich would have told her to take one step at a time, saying "if you keep on worrying about it, that's all you're going to feel, worry." A breath in, and a breath out, she looked at Percy, who noticed her gaze and waved at her, "I'll be fine Mom" he reassured.

The tension left Sally's face, "okay okay, I'll leave now honey, have a good day," then she added with a small smirk, "don't eat all the blue candy okay, we both know who ate them last time."

Percy's face reddened "Mooom." Sally looked at his flushed face and let out a small laugh, "okay dear, I won't tease you again," and with those words she left the building, heading off to Sweet on America for another shift.

(A/N so just a few things, firstly I changed the writing style from first person to third point of view, I hope the story didn't change too much. Also THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR READING MY FANFIC 😊😊😊. When I see the reader count increase I get so happy people are reading this, so you so much❤)

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