Your author would like to smash a lot of boys here

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Tim Wright fucking hated his job. Hated the cabin. Hated the operator. Hated everything. And to be subjected to a god awful fucking mission with mother fucking ticci toby?!

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

"-And then Jeff wouldn't stop talking about his girl cock! And Ben shoved the Wii remote down his throat and Jeff started acting all funny!" The boy twitched, neck cracking again. "He kept trying to swallow it or something, I don't know what he was doing, how's Brian? Haven't heard from them since they started hanging around X virus! Hey, what's your person name? You never said!"

"Number 7, I don't want to get to know you. Were killers, let's leave it at that." He responded in a monotone voice. He didn't want to conversate. Just get the job done, and go home.

"My name is Toby, Masky! I'm not this 'number 7' guy, I'm Toby! Toby Rodgers! I know that you know me!"

"Focus 7. House up ahead. You take the northwest entrance, I'm taking east."

"Wha- how am I supposed to know which direction is which?!"

Masky ignored the boy and went straight for the window. Instead of listening to his instructions of his carefully thought out plan, Toby picked up a fucking rock and broke another window nearby, flopping into the property.


In the few seconds it took for Tim to get inside, Toby was already on a rampage. A thing that you probably knew about Toby was that he was violently abused by his bio dad

A thing you probably don't know, is that Toby is equally violent, maybe more so.

He was already slamming a little girl, probably aged 14, into a table with enough force to crack it as she screamed horribly. His cackles almost drowned out the horrible sounds that filled the house as he took sick joy in it. When the table was thickly coated in red he threw the poor thing to the ground and took his axe out to mangle her further.

Tim couldn't stand the sight of her brains leaking out her skull as she cried and screamed for mercy, so he left to kill off whatever Toby left behind. He'd already slaughtered the two adults that Tim assumed were hiding with the girl currently screaming bloody murder, but there was one more kid in need of killing.

He'll make this quick.

It was a 16 year old in his room, headphones full volume so he couldn't even hear the dying cries of his family. Tim let out a sickened groan at all the loli posters stuck on the walls. Maybe this is why the tall man sent them out, who knew.

He gave the boy a quick tap on the shoulder, sending him shooting up as he saw who he was

"Wha- who the fuck are you?!"

Then his eyes widened as he finally heard the screaming with the loss of his headphones. Tim cut it short and raised his crowbar, slamming it into the soft head. He went down quick, and with a few swift blows and minimal screaming he was dead

The house looked a complete bloody mess when Tim came out. Some guys were tossed around the kitchen where weak cries were coming from. The pile of sobbing girl barely looked like one as Toby stared her down gleefully

"7! Let's wrap this up!! Did you bring the firestarter?"

"Haha I did! Your fun masky! We get everyone??"

"You look a mess."

"I assume we did then! I look great too, I'm not a mess!" He brushed a bloody hand through his messy hair that was yanked at a few times in his victims struggle. Then he reached into his bag for the lighter fluid


The smell of burning wood filled Tim's lungs as he walked away with Toby back home. The two reaked of blood and death, Toby especially. It was like Toby would get off on torturing people seeing him so joyful as he hurt people. He wouldn't even kill them after, just let them burn in the house fires they started or let them bleed to death, there was no surviving the injuries Toby gave them anyways

Man they were fucked up in the head.

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