Confusion (2)

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Taco woke up in the middle of an unknown room, her arms retracted into her shell. She quickly stood up, panicking as her eyes darted around the room. She tried to figure out where she was, but it was too dark to see anything. She took a step forwards, trying to recognize anyone or anything.

Yet, she couldn't. She was clueless, and didn't know where she was anymore. She just knew that she wasn't in the forest anymore.

And she might not be going back anytime soon.

Test Tube watched Taco look around the room in a confused manner from a camera that she had set up in there. She had many other empty rooms, yet didn't know who or what she should put inside of them. Instead, she just.. watched Taco for now. She found it slightly amusing to see Taco panic like this, to not know where she was and who was with her.

Though, there was something that she had always wondered about Taco. An ability that she has only seen Taco with.

That weird, yet somehow intriguing ability to retract her arms into her shell.

She always wondered how she did it, and decided that she should test them at some point. But not anytime soon. For now, she wanted to get some other... "Test Subjects" that she could work on. She racked her brain for any ideas of a good "Test Subject", and came up with a good few. The ones that nobody should care about too much.

The current list that she has for potential "Test Subjects" had the following contestants, old and new.


-Pickle (Most likely not easy to get because of close relationship with Knife)




She wondered who would be easier to get first. She should probably go from the easiest ones, then to the more challenging ones.

Yeah, that sounds good.


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