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Mon and Sam had spent a blissful day swimming and playing in the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives. As the sun began to set, they found themselves cuddled up on a comfortable beach blanket, exhausted from their aquatic adventures.

Mon had dozed off, her head nestled on Sam's arm, while Sam watched the waves gently crashing onto the shore. As Sam gazed at the peaceful face of her beloved, a rush of overwhelming adoration washed over her.

"So beautiful," Sam thought, unable to resist the urge to admire Mon's serene countenance.

Mon stirred from her sleep, her eyes fluttering open, and she caught Sam in the act of checking her out. Blushing, she playfully whined like a child, "Khun Sam!"

Sam couldn't help but laugh at Mon's reaction, her heart swelling with affection. "Whatever," Sam teasingly replied, giving Mon's nose a playful boop. "But before we go swimming again, I want to kiss you, love."

Mon, no longer caught off guard by Sam's vocal thoughts, smirked mischievously. "Really? Then, do it."

Without wasting a moment, Sam leaned in and initiated a passionate kiss. Their lips met, and their embrace grew fervent, the intensity of their desire evident. Saliva mingled between their mouths, but the intensity of their connection left them both wanting more.

As they kissed, Mon couldn't help but moan Sam's name, her pleasure and desire evident in the sound. "Khun Sam..."

Sam, momentarily breaking the kiss, looked into Mon's eyes, their faces still inches apart. "What?" Sam whispered, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"I..." Mon began, but before she could finish her sentence, Sam's lips found their way to Mon's neck, nibbling and biting gently, leaving a passionate mark behind.

Mon's breath hitched, and she struggled to find her voice. "I-I want more," she shyly admitted, her face turning as red as a tomato.

Sam's flirty tone surfaced as she teased Mon, "We've done more than this, love. Why are you embarrassed?"

Mon pushed Sam playfully, her shyness still evident. "It's your fault for making me feel this way," she retorted, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Sam leaned in closer, their noses almost touching. "Alright, love. Shall we continue, then?" Sam's flirty remark sent a surge of anticipation through Mon's veins, and she couldn't help but push Sam again, her cheeks burning with a mixture of shyness and desire.

"Just do-" Mon was abruptly interrupted by a knock on the cabin door, and the sudden interruption broke the intimate atmosphere that had enveloped them.

"Really? At this moment?" Sam joked with a hint of mock annoyance, while Mon let out a playful groan.

"Wait up, love. I'll see what was that," Sam said, adjusting Mon's disheveled top and planting one final deep kiss before reluctantly getting up to answer the door.

As Sam walked away, Mon whispered to herself, "Khun Sam, my heart." The gentle murmur carried the depth of her love and longing, a testament to the deep connection they shared.

With their passionate moment temporarily paused, Mon remained in the warmth of their embrace, eagerly awaiting Sam's return, knowing that whatever interrupted their intimate moment, their love would only grow stronger, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.

Secluded Serenity: MonSam ✓Where stories live. Discover now