I am andrea felip Rodriguez,but you can call me andy,i live in San Franco, it is a mesmerizing province that has many varieties of trees,a wealthy nature.where all people depends their livelihood on planting,people can't sustained their family if they weren't do cropting.
In short no harvest,no income.
Guess how poor we are? Ang mga dukhang katulad namin ay patuloy na ibinababa at ibababa pa, like we don't have a liberty to get success,even how kind you are if they have been blind by greeds and envy,then being polite are nothing.
Whilst I get growing, I experienced a lot of agony and repulsive life i didn't wish for...and hating my family like hating myself too,i love my family for being this way,but sometimes i do regretted that i have this life and them as my family,this family making me miserable but, however happens they're still my family,family would stay,people in your shoes will fade bit by bit and I don't like it.
They say there's a people who hated you...
People who loved you,loves you...and will love you for being you.
A person that would be part of your life
And become your weakness, a weakness that you never thought you will be having...
-anthony del fuego
gaze of the ray
Short Story"andrea felip Rodriguez" she was known for being independent, generous, gullible, optimistic and a person who was willing to risk her life...the life she's been dreaming of having....all the dreams she made in herself... would it be stay like a drea...