Chapter 11

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A melodious voice greeted, her world slowly changed. The silence that had covered the morning began to be filled with melodies and rhythms. The two eyeballs peeked out slightly, the hum she heard inviting her to stand up and approach its source. Freen knew who the owner of that beautiful voice was, she felt that hers morning was getting colorful this time.

She stood far away from the sound, but enough to see how gracefully Becca was conveying her feelings. She sings with soul, anyone who hears her will feel swept away with her. Freen leaned her head against the wall, arms crossed, she hadn't fully awakened from slumber. Her eyes blinked slowly, her lips smiled, the mind was calm. The atmosphere this morning was very new in Freen's life.

Never before had anyone sang in the morning in a voice so smooth and sincere as today. Never . Even Minee, she is the same as Freen, rarely makes a sound when she wakes up. As for Nam, she doesn't live with her. Right now Freen was just enjoying the beautiful voice that sounded pleasant to the ears.

Becca is cooking in the kitchen, she is carried away by the cool atmosphere of the day. Becca is an active person in the morning, she will do everything, including singing. Becca didn't expect anyone to hear her, she just wanted to express her feelings through her voice.

Freen was still there, not daring to approach Becca. Freen still wants to hear that romantic song. She liked the lyrics, with me, you must be happy , Freen listened again, she caught a few words that seemed to be left in her mind, I want you right now, so come to me, and also, Tell the world, we will be together forever. Freen smiled again, the lyrics were just right for Becca.

After repeating the words We will be together forever three times, Becca closed the song by touching her chest, she seemed to absorb all the lyrics of the song. Freen saw and heard everything, she smiled again, then with the drowsiness fading, she complimented Becca "You have a great voice Bec. I like it." Freen walked over to Becca who looked taken aback by the sudden compliment.

"You heard everything?" Again, the face of the woman wearing the apron turned red, she didn't realize that Freen had heard the singing.

Freen just smiled, for her the words of praise she gave answered everything. Freen approached the drinking stand, she picked up the bottle of mineral water and drank it slowly. When she was done, Freen approached Becca who seemed to be frying something. Freen tried to watch Becca's cooking, her body very close to Becca's back, her head slightly forward between Becca's left shoulder. Oh, pancakes, she thought. After that Freen returned to the room, wanting to freshen up quickly.

Freen didn't realize how red Becca's face was now. Becca felt Freen coming through her back, very close. She thought Freen would give her a hug from behind, but she didn't. Not only was Becca disappointed that she wasn't hugged, but she felt embarrassed for even thinking about it. Becca, mind your head, don't make me wish with that imagination! She spoke hers own mind.

Don't know how many times Freen has made hers heart feel awkward. Becca was never ready for all of Freen's unreadable behavior. It was as if everything Freen did, gave a different sensation to every cell of Becca's body. Even so, Becca wanted to experience it again.

Becca took a deep breath, trying to calm down. It's not good to pound wildly in the morning, especially if the culprit doesn't realize it.

After she finished making some pancakes, she took off the black apron. Then Becca decorated the meal with the chocolate and strawberry trimmings she'd bought moments ago, while Freen was asleep. For her this is a very good food for breakfast. Becca sat down and waited for Freen at the wooden dining table.

Freen had finished taking a bath, she looked very refreshed and dazzling. Freen approached the dining table and joined Becca there. They sat opposite each other. Now, Becca didn't keep her eyes peeled, she looked at Freen for quite a while, until Freen finally asked. "Bec, is there something wrong with my face?" It was clear that Becca only saw Freen's face this time.

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