Chapter 23.1

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"Still not enough." Becca feels that the photos they have taken are not enough, even though Freen's memory is almost full. However, even though she complained like that, Becca is now smiling endlessly looking at the photos they took one by one. One of her favorite photos is when Freen kisses her on the cheek, for her it's very sweet. The photo shows that it is Freen who is crazy about her. She made the photo the home screen of Freen's phone.

"What's not enough? You take pictures every second, Bec." Freen is driving the car now, she occasionally catches sight of Becca who seems really happy with all the photos. "My cheeks can barely move anymore, too tired to smile all day." Freen just expressed how she felt, but Becca thought otherwise.

Becca looked at Freen with almost knit eyebrows, her happy eyes didn't know where she was, "So you forced a smile earlier?" Becca didn't filter Freen's words properly, she only heard a tired smile , the rest of the words seemed inaudible to Becca.

Freen looked at Becca briefly, then averted her eyes as quickly as she could. Freen recalled what she had said, but she felt it should have been fine. Freen said again "Beautiful, you misunderstood." Freen thought for a moment, what should she say, she must find a good reason. Before long, Freen smiled at the reason she had in mind, she said "Princess, want some ice cream?" Brilliant diversion of topic, Freen seemed to have managed to make those eyebrows part again. Now, Becca looks really happy.

Becca nodded several times, very enthusiastic at the word ice cream. In fact, Becca could already imagine the vanilla ice cream, she had already felt the melting and coldness of the ice in her mind. "Two!" Becca answered, one is not enough, she wants two ice creams.

Freen laughed with that happy face, she felt like she wanted to pinch Becca's cheeks now. But, it didn't happen. She didn't want to hurt her girlfriend, even a little.

"What two?"

But Becca replied earnestly, "Two vanilla ice creams!" She smiled again, but still, she was still looking at the photos, Becca hadn't seen them all.

"Alright, princess." Freen spoiled her young lover.

Freen was still walking through a street full of trees, the tree trunks were neatly arranged with branches blocking the sun from shining brightly on the street. The atmosphere on the trip was very calm and quiet, Freen didn't turn on the music or the radio. She loved the sound of silence, maybe if it wasn't Becca someone else would have asked Freen to crank up the song. But, Becca understands Freen, she also starts to like everything Freen likes.

"It's great, isn't it? Very cute." Becca shows her girlfriend a picture of herself. Freen looked at the photo and smiled.

Freen nodded slowly, she said, "Mm. And, cute." Freen likes all the photos, for her Becca is very beautiful, cute, sweet and charming. If only there were other words of praise she could use, she would have said them all.

Becca blushes when Freen says she's cute. If other people say it's sweet, it's normal. But, when Freen complimented her with those kind words, Becca felt her heart filled with flowers and felt like she was going to fly right then and there. Becca thought, maybe because of their newly dating status. That feeling she really liked, it felt like everything Freen said had a lot of impact on her. Whatever that is.

Freen looked at Becca again, every now and then she saw her pretty face blush a little again, she smiled and chuckled, then looked at the road again.

But suddenly Freen remembered the message earlier. Now she feels very panicked if Mr. Rach, Becca's father replies to her message and Becca sees the message. Now Freen's heartbeat was abnormal, she felt that heartbeat now, Freen even heard the sound of that beating in her ear. She really was very nervous. She just didn't want Becca to get the message.

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