I'm waiting for someone to call, either Charles, or my mother, or Jules' mother, or someone else, but no one calls. Charles was supposed to come but he might be late because of the traffic. Until Charles comes, I have to plan how to tell everyone that I'm pregnant, I have to do it well, I don't want to party or something, I have to tell them.
I hear a knock at the door and I startle, I think Charles is coming, I take a look at how I am, my clothes weren't wrinkled, I just had red eyes from crying, I wait for him to enter, I think he's with his friend that I've been missing said. I was still holding Jules' hand, as we always do when I hold his hand, the hand where he has the wedding ring.
I see the door open a little and then I hear some whispers.
"Amalia?" I see Charles, you can see that he hasn't slept and that he is stressed and I realize that it is because of this situation. He was holding a bouquet of flowers, more precisely white roses are Jules' favorites and immediately I remember our wedding.
"You can come in Charles." I tell him and I'm waiting to see him, it's been a while since I've seen him.
"My friend can come in too, please." he still doesn't fully enter Jules' hospital room, he's waiting for my answer, he was always like that whenever Jules and I took care of him when he was little, he always asked me and he was polite and listened to me and Jules, he was a little angel .
"Yes Charles, your friend can come in too, come on guys." I tell them and I see them entering the room, behind Charles there was a boy taller than Charles and it seems that he is even older than Charles, in terms of age.
I look at Charles again and see that he has tears in his eyes and he is not looking away, he is looking at his godfather, Jules. His hand was clutching the flowers so hard that I didn't think he could feel his hand anymore, I look at him and I know it's hard for him to see him like this and now I realize why his parents didn't tell him about Jules' condition.
Ever since he was little, he wanted to sign with Jules, from the word to the passion to drive. When I was taking care of Charles, Jules and I spoke only in French so that Charles could understand and when I thought that Charles was not paying attention to what we were talking about, Jules comforted me, always with his declarations of love, the kiss on the forehead, the care he had for me my For little Charles, it was truly a love story that should be written in a fairy tale book.
I leave Jules' hand back on the bed and go to Charles and wrap him and let him cry, it's normal, but it's too much for him, he's known Jules since he came into this world. I'm sorry that he feels that way, I understand his anger, but this is life and this happened because of the FIA.
"Charles you need to calm down, everything will be fine. Please stop crying" I say and put my hand on his back and start to move it in a comfortable way.
"Amalia, how do you know he's going to be okay, look at him, he's connected to the devices. He's not going to be okay. I can't lose him. I don't want to lose him." He tells me and hugs me even tighter, I can't believe that a 17-year-old boy is thinking about something like this, I feel sorry for him.
"We have to be positive Charles, Jules will be fine. Stop thinking about that and sit down." I tell him and lead him to the chair where I was sitting a few minutes ago.
"These are for Jules, I remembered that he likes white roses and I said to bring him some roses. I hope I didn't do anything wrong." he tells me and suddenly I see that 7-year-old boy again, I remember when he was drawing something and he always asked my opinion and when he was wrong he always told me 'j'espère que je n'ai rien fait de mal' (I hope I didn't did something bad ), he had the most adorable voice and accent.

Love doesn't disappear
RomanceLove does not disappear even after death, in this story it will be about the wife of Jules Bianchi, Amalia Bianchi and about her future after the death of her husband