Chapter Eight

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The sunlight poured in through Draco's dormitory windows and I squinted as I stretched my arms out above my head. At the feeling of me moving, Draco reached out and wrapped his arms around my body to pull me flush against him. I wrapped my own arms around him and he settled his head onto my chest while I gently ran my fingers through his hair.

We hadn't had a morning like this yet, just the two of us. Normally Atlas or Blaise was knocking down the door and we had this awkward interaction of not knowing what to do or how to act. Since today was the first Saturday of the school year, nobody was in a rush to get up and moving. Breakfast was always later on the weekends, and then today breakfast would immediately be followed with a trip to Hogsmeade which I was more than excited for. I couldn't wait to see my mother and Narcissa.

I bent my head forehead and kissed the top of Draco's head as I took in the smell of him. No matter what he always smelt the same, fresh and so damn good. I knew I would have to get up soon to head back to my own dorm to get ready. As much as I loved my shower yesterday with Draco, I needed to go back to my own room where all of my things were.

"Draco," I hummed, pushing his blonde hair out of his eyes. He mumbled an incoherent string of words before burying his face into my chest. I giggled as I looked down at the boy I now called my boyfriend. I didn't know how long it was going to take me to get used to saying that. "Draco," I said again, my voice still soft, trying to wake him from his sleep.

"No," he mumbled, his grip on me tightening. "I don't want to leave this bed," he groaned. He rolled himself forward a little bit and kissed the part of my stomach that had been exposed from my shirt riding up in my sleep.

"Oh yeah? What do you want to do?" I asked him. I sucked in a breath as his lips continued to nip at my exposed skin.

"Well for starters, I'd like to kiss every inch of you," he grinned, sleepily, as he finally turned to look at me. His eyes were still heavy with sleep and God did that make him even more attractive. "And then, when I'm done with that, I'd like to make love to you, over and over again. Maybe here on this bed, then in the shower, then while I bend you over my desk, then on my window seat," he smiled. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Draco," I meant to say, but it came out more in a moan than I would have liked. He chuckled as he rolled on top of me, hovering his lips over mine. "We can't do all of that now," I groaned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to meet mine.

"Unfortunately, I know," he pouted, kissing my lips one more time before rolling off of me. "How about a shower at least?" he asked and I shook my head. I knew that if I were to see him naked right now I wouldn't be able to control myself, and I didn't want to become one of those couples. Ya know, the ones where all they did was have sex. I wanted our relationship to be everything, not just sex.

"Not this morning," I smiled. "I'm going to go back to my dorm and shower and get ready. I'll meet you in the common room when I'm done."

I stood from the bed, much to Draco's dismay and pulled his jumper over my head. It was long enough that it covered the parts of me that I needed covered so I made my way out of his dorm, down the stairs, through the common room, and up the girl's dormitory steps. My dorm was the furthest one down the hallway because somehow I managed to get the biggest single room. I think my name had something to do with it. Hogwarts liked to keep the most important wizarding families happy, and even though my family name was popular for all the wrong reasons, I was still important here.

"Alena! I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you. You haven't been in class," I heard a voice say and turned my head to meet Pansy's gaze as she stood in her doorway. I sighed, as I dropped my head. Pansy was my best girlfriend here, honestly she was probably the only girl that really liked me in this entire school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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