The Big Thunderstorm

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It was a cloudy day. Darry was at work, Ponyboy and Johnny were playing football in the backyard, Steve and Sodapop were closing up the Dx, Dally was at Buck's place in his bedroom, and Two-Bit was inside the Curtis brothers' house watching Mickey Mouse.

30 minutes later Soda and Steve walk inside the Curtis brothers' house "It looks like it's about to rain" Soda said. "Yeah, the clouds got really dark outside." Steve said. "It looks like there is going to be a thunderstorm" said Two-bit. "Where is Pone and Johnny?" Soda asked. As he went to wash his face and hands since they were covered in grease. "There out in the back" Two-bit answered. "Man, Pony those clouds are getting dark" Johnny said. "Yeah, and it's getting very windy" Pony said. 10 minutes later it started pouring and Ponyboy and Johnny run into the back porch. And go in the back door and step on to the rug. but by the time they got inside the house they were drenched in water. "Hey, Soda can you get me and Johnny a towel?" Pony asked. "Yeah, I can," said Soda. Sodapop got off the couch, went into the bathroom, grabbed two towels, then walked back to Pony and Johnny, then handed Johnny the towel and wrapped Ponyboy in his towel. Thank you, both the boys said. and they all walked back into the living room. Two-bit had the news turned on by now. *The news reporter* there is a severe thunderstorm waring in Oklahoma. *boom* Johny and Pony jump in fear they all see lighting light up the dark sky. Johnny is making scared noises. "It's okay Johnny" Two-bit said. Johnny has always been afraid of thunderstorms. Because he had no one to comfort him went he was little. and the whole gang knew this, so they all tried their best to comfort Johnny. But the best at comforting Johnny was Dally. Because Johnny and Dally had a non-breakable bond. Ponyboy wasn't as sacred as Johnny was, but he was still the youngest and the gang loves to protect and comfort. Pony because he is the youngest even if he is not scared, they will still comfort him. *boom* Johnny made more scared noise, Ponyboy jumped a little. then they all heard the door open Dallas walked in. Johnny ran and gave Dally a big hug. "Hey Johnnycakes, how are you doing" dally asked. Dally knew Johnny was scared of thunderstorm. Dally could see that Johnny was scared by looking at Johnny's face. Dally sat down on the couch with Johnny and started rubbing his back and telling him it's going to be okay. Soda held his arms out for pony. because by this time the lights were flickering. and Soda could see in Pony's eyes that he was sacred. so, Pony went over to Soda and sat on Soda lap as Soda was hugging him. "it's okay little colt" Soda whispered in Pony's ear and started to rub circles on to Pony's back. "Where is Darry?" Ponyboy asked Soda. "He should be home any minute now" Soda said. Just then Darry walked in and asked, "Is everyone ok" Steve said "Pony and Johnny are a little scared but other than that everyone is fine." "Oh okay" Darry said. as he was taking off his shoes. "Do you guy want chocolate cake" Darry said because he made a chocolate cake this Moring. they all said yes, and Darry handed everyone a piece of chocolate cake. then Darry sat his piece of chocolate cake on his armchair where he was going to sit. but before he sat down, he checked on Pony even though Pony was on Soda's lap. Darry knew Pony felt safe like that, but he still wanted to check on Pony. "Hey, Pony are you doing okay" Darry asked as he run his fingers though Pony's hair. "I'm doing fine Darry" Pony said. "good" Darry said. "How about you Soda" Darry asked. "I'm doing fine Dar" Soda said. "okay" Darry said. and walked back to his chair pick up his cake and sat in his chair. When they all were finished eating their chocolate cake, they all played cards, when they finally finished playing cards, they all went back to the Livingroom and sat like they were before, and they watched an old western movie that Pony picked. Then Darry asked the gang "Are you all going to spend the night since it's still raining." "Why not man" Dally said. "I'm down" Two-bit said. "sure" Steve said. Johnny nodded yes in Dally's arms. "Okay then" Darry said. then all the lights went out.                                                                           

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