The Moring sickness

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The next morning the gang ate breakfast and was play a board game. but Pony was still sleeping. "I'm going to go check on Pony" Darry said after they finished a game of poker. Darry walked into Pony's and Soda's room. and wake Pony up "good morning, Pony" Darry said. "Darry?" Pony said. "Yeah honey" Darry said. "I don't feel good" Pony said. "Okay honey I'm going to check your temp." Darry walked out and into the bathroom to grab the thermometer. Soda saw the thermometer and asked, "Why do you have the thermometer?" "Pony said he is not feeling good" Darry said. Soda followed Darry to the bedroom where Pony was. "open" Darry said to Ponyboy. Ponyboy open his mouth Darry put the thermometer in his mouth. It was 105.9 degrees. "Oh, honey your burning up" Soda said. "I will go get the medicine" Darry said heading to the bathroom. Darry came back with the medicine. "Pony here your medicine" Darry said. "I don't want to take it" Pony said. "I know you don't want it but to need to take it" Soda told Pony. "Soda right Pony you need to take it" Darry said. "O-okay" Pony said. And he took the medicine. "Yuck it tastes like baloney." Pony said. "Here some water baby" Soda said. Pony drank the water. "I feel really hot" Pony said. "I know baby how about you take a cold bath" Darry said. "NOOOOO" Pony said. Pony hated cold baths especially when he was sick. "I will start the bath follow me" Darry told Ponyboy. Pony followed Darry to the bathroom. "Darry I will make soup for Pony for when he is done with his bath" Soda told Darry. "Okay" Darry answered. "Come here Pone" Darry said. Pony went over to Darry, then Darry undress him, and he hopped into the bath. "Do you feel better honey" Darry asked. "I feel a little better." pony replied. after 10 minutes Pony was shaking because he was cold. Darry told Pony he can get out now. Pony got out and Darry wrapped a towel around him. they went back to the bedroom Darry let Pony get dressed before entering. Then Soda came back with the soup and fed it to Pony. Pony then took some more medicine. by that time, it was time for bed, so Soda jumped into bed with Pony. Darry tucked them in and said good night and love you to both of them. Then Darry went to his room and layed in his bed. The next morning, they wake up. Darry came in and check Pony's. fever, it was 106 degrees. Then Pony ran out of bed into the bathroom. This wake Soda up Darry told him what happened. Then they followed Pony into the bathroom.                     

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