Scoops Ahoe

273 0 0

Spicy level: 6/10

Word count: 1187

Warnings: Anal sex ( consent bc that's hot), hair pulling, a slight bit of homophobia.

Context: Steves at his work (Scoops Ahoy) and somebody decides to pay him a visit. Steve is kinda questioning his sexuality since everyone around him is gay. He doesn't want to admit it tho.

A/N: It's my first time writing smut but I do really a lot so yeaaa..👌If you have any tips or ways to make my writing better you can leave them here. Anyways enjoy ;)
Steve's pov:
Work isn't really busy today . Robin keeps ranting about some girl she likes. I believe her name is Vicky? Doesn't matter. I obviously support Robin 100%, I'm a proud ally, but now I feel like I'm a bit gay. No. I can't be. I've always liked girls and always will like girls. Im just being stupid. Why would I want to fuck a dude? Gross. Yea I might find a guy attractive but everyone does that, right?
" Hello ??earth to Steve???", robin has been trying to get Steve's attention for the last 30 seconds.
" what are you thinking in that non-existent brain of yours",Robin asks me.
" Guy- I mean work. I'm thinking about work. Why aren't my amazing pick up lines not working on any of the chicks. I spent 3 hours coming up with them and all I get a weird stares".Robin rolls her eyes from my stupid answer.
Then I hear a familiar voice.
" Why don't you try them on me, Harrington?" Of course it's Eddie. I feel my cheeks glow red. What the actual fuck. Am I blushing?
I look back at Eddie. I hadn't realised how close he is to my face. He looks pretty hot ngl. How his curly long dark hair falls on his face. Chains hanging from his neck. Metal rings on almost all his fingers. Cold as ice.
" Quit checking me out and get me a banana split, Harrington", Eddie says smirking at me.
" I wasn't checking you out asshole. I was just-", he puts his finger on my lips to shush me.
" I don't need your stupid excuses big boy. The boner says otherwise...".
I look down. He wasn't lying. Shit. Fucking shit. Really at work? Because of Eddie fucking Munson? Hell no. A man?
" I-I...Fuck you damn it. Robin can you make him a Banana split or whatever he wanted-, I'll be right back...". Hoping Robin hadn't seen what happened.
I speed walk to the employees only room. This is embarrassing. At least nobody saw what happened...only Eddie. My boner won't calm down so I lock the door and start taking of my shorts. I would of never imagined in a million years, me jerking off at work, because of a dude. Eddie Munson. As I jerk myself off, the only thing I can think of is...
" E-Eddie...", I let out a soft moan. Trying to imagine Eddie was here with me. Helping me. Then I hear a knock on the door.
" Give me a sec", I yell, probably Robin wondering why I'm in here for so long or why the door is locked. I quickly get dressed and open the door.
As I open the door, Eddie pushes me back into the room, closes and locks the door behind him.
" king Steve getting a boner from me? The freak of this hell town?", Eddie teases me with his words.
" it's not from you, now fuck off. Im serious. ". I say. I don't really want him to leave but it's for the best.
" I'm just trying to help big boy. I'll make it quick .I promise", he teases me once again.
Shit. This can't be fucking happening. I fall on to the couch with Eddie hover Overing me.
" Fuck it", I say " I don't know what I am anymore so yolo ".
Eddie basically pounces on me, connecting both of our lips. I can taste the vanilla ice cream from his mouth. I keep letting out moans even tho I try to hold them back.
Eddie makes his way down my body. First my neck, leaving marks, then my chest, eventually to my crotch.
" somebody's excited", Eddie says.
" shut the fuck up before I change my mind "
He slowly strips my shorts down. Revealing my dick.
" Guess the rumours are true, but it won't be in use today", starts taking his belt." Let me prep ya first".
He spits on his hand then puts one first in my hole. Now 2 fingers . Then 3.
" Fuck oh my god" , I whine out as Eddie fingers and kisses me at the same time.
"Guess your all ready, take a deep breath.", he says in that calm voice of his that I love.
" Wait for gods sake", I say my eyes are already tearing up. I love what I'm feeling just I wasn't expecting for me to be a bottom. I take a few more deep breathes, trying to avoid eye contact, eventually telling letting him know that I'm ready.
" Tell me when to stop okey? This may hurt....".
I let out a moan while he puts his dick in. It's warm and hard. He starts moving slowly. I try to keep quiet as I remembered that I'm still at work....and that I don't want Eddie to see how much I'm enjoying this. Eddie starts going faster and faster.
" your doing amazing sweethearts", Eddie says.
I grab the edge of the couch for dear life.
" Shit I'm gonna f-fucking cum", I say out of breath.
" Me too I'm almost there.hang in there", eddies worlds of encouragement made me even more hornier then ever. I thought he would be more rough like how he always is but I like this. It's a rare side of Eddie.
Eddie ends up finishing in me. I can feel the warm of it coming out of my hole. We end of kissing each other for the next couple minutes. Eddie telling me how good I was and how perfect I am. I felt so...good. I guess I'm not used to these types of compliments. I think the only ones I ever get is how good my hair looks, or how big my dick is.
"Thanks Eddie...", I tell him. " I'm kinda having a identity crisis and kinda helped....a lot.".
" It's ok big boy. I'm here for you".
For the next hour we just talks and cuddles. Talking about how we want our future. My back aches as I walk out of the employees only room to go back to worm. My ass all beaten.
" you own me one ", Robin says with a smirk on her face.
"Owe you what?".
" you owe me a work free hour". She answers.
" hope you had fun", Eddie says as he leaves the ice cream shop.
Robin looks at me in a funny way.
" That's what you where doing? I thought you want to take a nap-...and with Eddie?!".
" tell anyone and I'll kill you".
"Your secret is safe with me don't worry", she says laughing, knowing that I'm embarrassed.

The end 💪

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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