Chapter 5 - Prince Scar

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Grian walked along the rows of people already in their spaces, looking for his section. Some people glanced at him as he went by, and others paid no attention to him at all. Grian finally found his spot. In it was a chest full of various materials that he could use to build with. Wow, Grian thought, there's so many options...

Just in front of him was a floating platform in which Prince Scar and the other royals could look upon the competition. Grian could see him talking with the guards and other members of the palace. Every once and a while, he could see him glance down at the competitors. Then, the Prince's eyes met Grian's, and he smiled at him, making Grian blush and turn away. I must be dreaming, Grian thought, or did Prince Scar actually just smile at me?

As the sun started to set, a guard rang a bell, catching everyone's attention. They looked up to the platform, and the guard stepped aside to let the Prince speak. "Dear citizens of Boatem, you have gathered here on this fine evening to compete for the spot of my right-hand builder! All the materials that you have in your chests are for you to use to create something that will impress me. There are no limits to what you can create, but you will not be allowed to have any more resources than the ones given to you. On that note, you may begin building when they sound the horn!" There was a round of applause as Prince Scar sat back into his throne.

Bringgg! One of the guards blew his horn, and the competition had officially started.

Grian ran over to his chest, and looked at the materials inside. It was at this moment that he realized he had no clue what he was going to build.

(296 Words)

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