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Jasmine Atakni

I slam the car door shut, my frustration and hurt reverberating through my body. Determined to find solace and refuge, I make my way towards Noah's door, the heaviness of my heart propelling me forward. Gently, I knock on the door, my hand trembling slightly with anticipation.

The door swings open, revealing Noah standing before me, clad in nothing but joggers and holding a bowl of cereal. His presence alone offers a comforting familiarity that I desperately crave. Without hesitation, I rush into his arms, seeking the embrace that I had longed for since the moment I left Mark's house.

Noah's arm envelops me, offering a sense of security and understanding. I bury my face in his chest, my tears flowing freely, as if finding solace in his embrace has unlocked the floodgates of emotions I had been holding back for so long. In his arms, I feel a sense of refuge, a sanctuary from the storm that has consumed me.

"Love? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks, setting down his cereal to the side as he pulls my face away from his chest. 

His touch, his warmth, his unwavering support, all serve as a reminder that I am not alone in my pain. In this moment, I find solace in Noah's arms, a sanctuary where I can be vulnerable, where I can release the weight of my broken heart.

As our embrace lingers, I take solace in the quiet strength that emanates from Noah. His presence offers a glimmer of hope in the midst of my turmoil. In this moment, I know that I have found a safe haven, a shelter from the storm that rages within me.

"Can I stay here?" I whisper, my voice filled with vulnerability and desperation. Noah's touch is gentle as he brushes away my tears with his thumb.

"Of course, come," he replies, his voice soothing. He closes the door behind me, shutting out the outside world, and I release a sigh of relief. Slipping off my heels, I discard them haphazardly, a small act of rebellion against the weight of the pain I carry.

"I hate him, and I hate his mother," I whisper, my voice filled with bitterness and anger, as I make my way towards the living room.

Noah's expression softens, his eyes filled with concern. "Normally, those words would've put a smile on my face, but... what happened, Jasmine?" His question pulls at the raw emotions within me, threatening to unleash another wave of tears. My phone interrupts our conversation, Mark's name flashing on the screen. I dismiss the call without hesitation, discarding the phone on the couch beside me.

"Why are you eating cereal at ten at night?" I ask, trying to shift the heavy atmosphere with a touch of lightness.

"Why are you judging?" Noah retorts, a playful smile tugging at his lips. I can't help but smile in response as I walk towards him, reaching for the bowl. He slides out the spoon from his mouth, allowing me to take it.

"God, I haven't had cereal in nearly a year," I whisper, a wistful tone in my voice as I settle down on the couch.

"Wow, rich people problems, huh?" Noah remarks, teasingly. Laughter bubbles up from within me, a momentary respite from the heaviness that surrounds us. Noah settles beside me, his presence offering comfort and support.

"You want to talk about it?" he asks, his eyes full of understanding and genuine concern. I meet his gaze, appreciating the offer, but shaking my head gently.

"Not right now," I reply softly. In that moment, I simply want to find solace in his presence, to allow the weight of my emotions to ease even if just for a little while. And as we sit there, sharing a bowl of cereal and basking in the warmth of each other's company, I find solace in knowing that I am not alone.

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