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We finally got to my house and didn't see duke in the pasture. luckily he was in his stall safe and sound. I threw on his navy blue saddle pad(shown above), saddle and bridle i decided to not use a breast collar today. 

"Ready to go?" Phillips asked.

"Yup let me just tell me dad that I'm alright and get changed." I ran inside and put on some light wash boot cut jeans, orange cropped wife beater, my Ariat boots and an old Ariat hat. "Hey dad! I'm going on a trail ride with Phillips!" 

"Kay honey. Have fun." he yelled back.

I ran outside to find Phillips brushing dukes mane. "Alright let's go" i said jumping on duke. "Here you can sit on his hind quarters" I pulled him up to sit right behind the seat of the saddle.

We rode to his family's farm so he could grab his horse. The farm was huge. There were pastures among pastures of horses and cattle. He ran over to a smaller paddock and called over a 15hh red roan gelding. he tacked him up and lead me to a small trail. (shown above)

"Hey are you and Benny Rodriguez friends?" I already knew the answer but i wanted to hear his side of the story. 

"No I hate him and all of those good for nothin boys" he said calmly.


"Well me and Benny used to be really close until we started liking the same girl about 2 years back. We started arguing a lot and trying to outdo each other at practice. He ended up asking the girl out 3 days before, of course he didn't tell me this, so I ended up kissing the girl and she kissed me back. Benny walked in on us and got extremely mad. He stopped showing up to practices. my team ended up kicking him off of the team for obvious reasons, then I guess he started playing at the sandlot  with all those losers." he explained to me.

"oh I'm so sorry that happened. " i said rubbing on his arm.

"There's a huge field up there, you wanna race?" 

"Hell yeah but I'm gonna win!" I told him.

"OK ready...set....go!" 

We both took off as fast as we could, but duke didn't understand. I was behind until about halfway through the field. Gaston ( Phillip's horse ) started trowing his head. Duke finally understood the assignment. He galloped until we reached the treeline, then we just waited for Phillips and Gaston. 

"looks like all of those straight aways after the barrel patterns finally paid off!" I said holding my head high.

"Whatever!" he replied laughing.

I am really starting to like Phillips I think, but Benny is always in the back of my mind. We started talking about where i was from and what we did for fun. Turns out, he barrels races too. He has a sister in college and an older brother the same age as Matt. I also learned that his first name is Jordan. ( I don't actually know what his real name is but people say it's Jordan ) We got back to his farm about 2 hours later. 

"So I'm looking for a training job and I was wondering if maybe you would let me train you and duke?" he asked. he had a slight pink tint to his cheeks. 

"Yeah sure, Then we could get to know each other better too." I answered

"okay cool meet me here at 2:00 tomorrow!" 

"Kay have a nice rest of the day!" I rode back home. Apparently it was around noon so i should be able to head over to the sandlot and watch Benny..I mean the guys play. I took off his tack, hosed him down and sent him out to the pasture with some hay. 

I went inside grabbed by glove and a dollar bill just in case. I sprinted to the sandlot to find the boys playing. "Hey guys!" I waved to them and the y waved back. i sat down in the dugout. 

All His Fault -Sandlot- Benny RodreguezWhere stories live. Discover now