IV || Skipping rope?

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Word count: 552


"Fox shut up! McCoy, declare martial law. We need to keep control, commander stadiums, schools, and civic centers...order a press blackout. And put the military on standby to round these junkies up." The president's voice rang through the room.

"Whether they broke the law or not, those victims are human beings." Champ says, walking over to a tray of alcohol, "Tequila. He's a great guy. And a great agent. Right now, he's lying in deep freeze, waitin' on our help." he says, picking up a bottle of whiskey and glass and sitting down at the table.

Jack turns to Champ as he sits down, "We can't make this personal, sir." "Jack!" you say, nudging him with your elbow, "He's a good guy, but we aren't just talkin' about Tequila here. We are talkin' about maybe half the population," you say, crossing your arms over your chest.

Jack looks over at you as you say this, then lowers his head in shame. "Agent Whiskey, we can't stand by and let folks like him die. These people, we're their only hope...Now, we have to find that antidote" Champ says, pouring the bottle of whiskey into his glass and taking a sip.

"Poppy's stockpiles, well, they could be anywhere." Jack says, putting an arm around your chair. "She must have some on hand. Locate Poppy..." Galahad pauses as Champ swishes a sip of whiskey and spits it into a vase beside his chair. You can see Eggsy and Galahad's disgusted faces.

Galahad continues, "and obtain a sample for analysis. Maybe it can be replicated."

"Sorry to cut in, guys." Ginger's voice cuts in through the tv screen, "But Charlie is on the phone with his girlfriend. Looping you in now."

Suddenly, a familiar female voice echoes through the room "Don't worry. I'm on a payphone...covered in a fucking blue rash. Why didn't you tell me? All you said was, "Don't take any drugs." It was a music festival for fucks sake." A man's voice can be heard, "Fuck. Shit. Shit! Okay. Listen. You need to get to the lab in Italy. Do you remember where we went skiing?" "Yes. Yes, I remember." "Yeah. Meet me there and I'll give you the antidote." "Okay."

"All right. Jet's ready. Whiskey, Galahad, Gin, get to Italy." Champs says, waving us off. Galahad and Eggsy both stand up, "You two need to figure out this codename thing." Jack says, gesturing to the two. "Seriously, it's getting really confusing," you add. "And with all due respect, sir...I don't think Galahad senior is ready to return to fieldwork." "I did actually mean..." Champ gestures to Eggsy. "Of course." Galahad nods, sitting back down.

Eggsy also sits back down in his seat, "And with all disrespect...I'm not going anywhere without him. Brains, skills..." Eggsy pauses and gestures to Galahad, then himself, "Skipping rope?" Eggsy turns to Jack. You and Champ both snicker at the comment and Jack looks over at you with an annoyed look on his face.

"It's a lasso." "Whatever. Come on." Eggsy gets up with you and Galahad close behind him. Champ turns to Jack, "Go on. Vamoose." he says, waving him off.

Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter is really short. I hope you guys are liking the story so far!

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