VII || Hello, Gorgeous!

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Word count: 1,660


We all rush Jack back to Statesmen and Ginger is ready for us with a gurney when we get back.

Gingers whisks Jack off to the med bay with me close on her heels.

"He looks great." A small smile appears in Gingers face as she looks down at her tablet.

"Oh, thank god." I place a hand over my chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"Good." Merlin says as he walks out of the med bay to talk to Eggsy and Galahad.

"He should be up soon." Ginger places her tablet down on her desk and types something on the keyboard of her many computer monitors.

"But, I have to warn you, when he wakes up and he probably won't remember you or what happened. Like what happened to Agent Galahad."

I turn to Ginger and nod. I then turn my head to look back down at my husband, who's head was encased in glass while his head healed. I take his hand in mine and bring it to my lips.

"You should take a seat. This might be a while." Ginger suggests, pushing a chair towards me.

I nod and sit down in the chair, scooting my chair as close to Jack as I possibly can, "Thank you."

Ginger smiles and nods.

"Maybe we should give you a scan to double check for injuries? Just in case?"

"Eh, why not." I agree, standing up from my chair so Ginger can get an accurate scan.

Ginger walks over to me with the medical scanner in her hand. I stand up straight and hold my arms out as Ginger scans me up and down.

She pulls the scanner away and it starts to rapidly beep. Ginger furrows her brow as she stares down at the scanner, "Hmm, that's strange." She walks over to her desk and starts hitting buttons on the keyboard.

I wasn't too concerned about whatever Ginger found. No pain could compare to the pain I felt when I saw Jack lying on the ground, unmoving.

"What? Am I dying or somethin'?" I ask, half-jokingly.

"Quite the opposite actually."

I raise an eyebrow at her response, "Ginger, what are you talking about?"

"Have you been feeling random waves of nausea lately?"

"Umm, yeah I 'spose so." I answer, my brows knitted together in confusion.

"And, umm, have you been... sexually active?" She brings her voice down to a whisper.

I give her a look that tells her everything she needs to know.

"And lastly, when was your last period?"

"My last period?" I pause to think, "My last period was about two months ago..." I pause once more as the realization hits me.

Ginger watches my face drop, "Jo, the scanner read you as...pregnant."

My whole body freezes as I let her words sink in. Pregnant. I'm...pregnant.

"P-pregnant?" I feel my legs start to give out and I use the side of Jack's bed to steady myself.

Ginger rushes over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Maybe you should sit down."

I nod and I sit back down in my chair as I wallow in a state of shock.

Jack and I had always wanted to have kids and start a family some day, we just weren't expecting it...right now.

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