VII || The Cabin

267 9 2

Word count: 1,667


The three of us waited for Harry at the rendezvous point, which was just a small cabin in the snowy forest.

Jack and Eggsy were seated on wooden stools, stirring the fire that they'd made, while I sat in the corner with my hat over my eyes trying to get some shut eye.

I was awoken by a series of knocks on the cabin door. I pulled my hat up from my eyes and watched Eggsy stand from his seat to answer the door, "Harry." He announced.

Eggsy answered the door with the antidote in his hand, which was a gold liquid in a small beer-like bottle with Poppy's name in white letters. Galahad stepped inside the cabin, "Am I late?" He asked as he gazed at the antidote in Eggsy's hand, "You found the antidote."

"Get down!" Jack yells as he jumps towards Eggsy, knocking the antidote out of his hand. I watch the bottle fall towards the ground and I jump forward to catch it, but it shatters on the floor just inches away from my grasp, "Shit!"

Suddenly, gunshots are fired through the windows of the cabin. We all duck for cover behind the stone wall. I crouch down next to Jack and Eggsy with Galahad on the other wall.

Eggsy stares down at the broken bottle, "You fucking dickhead!" he shouts at Jack.

"Fuck you! I just saved your life!" Jack shouts back.

"Yeah, and cost millions of people theirs!"

"Guys, focus! We have bigger problems at the moment!" I say to end their bickering. I pull out one of my guns from the holster around my waist and I look through the broken window to get a better shot.

I fire my gun, hitting about four soldiers before Jack  pulls me back down from the window.

"I got a couple!" I announce.

"How many are left?" Eggsy asks.

"Too many!" I reply

I open my gun chamber to check how much ammo I've got left. Once I see I have plenty left, I crane my neck to look out the window once more. I see that the soldiers have taken cover and are reloading their weapons.

I turn to Jack, "It's my turn to kick some ass. They're going for cover and reloading. I'll fix their wagons. Cover me, boys!" I stand up and run out the door pulling out my other gun from my holster.

I hear Jack call after me, but it doesn't stop me.

I run towards the soldiers, firing my guns. I hear gunshots behind me as the guys covered for me.

I take down one soldier after another. I spin around and shoot all the soldiers who start to surround me. Without looking, I point my guns behind me to shoot whoever was behind me.

I suddenly hear gunshots that are coming from behind me and I see Jack coming towards me, shooting any soldiers on the way.

"I had this under control!" I protest.

"I know you did!" He responds.

He runs towards me and we stand back to back as more soldiers surround us.

"This is just like Texas all over again, huh sugar?" Jack says with large grin on his face.

"Love, you and I remember Texas very differently." I respond, thinking back to one of our first missions together, from what I remember, ended in disaster.

I look above the soldiers in front of me and I notice a large tree branch. I start shooting at the tree branch and I hear the soldiers in front of me chuckle, "You missed." One of them says.

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