Jason x reader - Endless night (I hate you part.2)

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A/n: This chapter is part 2 of I hate you, I hope you like it. Please let me know if you do. Good reading ;)

Tw: unprotected sex, rough sex, teasing, oral sex.

The next day I arrived at the studio early. James and Jason were already there.

"Hi Y/n." James said with a smile.

"Hi" I greeted him back. "Jas'. I added, nodding to Jason.

He gave me a quick glance before returning to his conversation with James. I went into the small room and pulled out a bottle of water to take a sip. Jason arrived silently, I didn't even notice him until he spoke.

"We need to talk." he said coldly, closing the door behind him.

 "Um...James is going to be wondering where you..."

"I said we need to talk." he repeated curtly.

Leaving me no choice, I turned to him, arms folded across my chest.

"Look..I know I should consider what happened yesterday to be a mistake but it's not..or at least that's not how I see it..." He said as he came closer to me.

"But it was Jason." I answered.

"Yesterday you told me you were sorry..."

"I didn't mean it." I replied.

Of course I was lying, of course I was, but I didn't want him to know.

"Okay...so what...we're going to pretend like we didn't do anything...like...I didn't fuck you on that table last night and you were screaming my name so loud everyone could have heard us..." He murmured as his body came into contact with mine again.

Images of the previous night flashed through my mind, I tried so hard to banish them but to no avail.

"Shut up." I said, turning my head away as his face came within inches of mine.

"So you don't even want to admit it. You're just a coward."

"Don't you dare call me a coward! Go to hell Newsted." I said, managing to get out of his grip.

As we stood in the corridor, Jason ran after me and pinned me against the wall. Both his arms were on either side of my head as his body was once again dangerously close to mine. I felt a shiver run through me. Again, a part of me, the part that wanted him the most, was screaming at me to kiss him and prove that I didn't hate him so much.

"What would you say if I told you I already am? You're my hell Y/n." he whispered. Our eyes clashed in an endless duel as his hot breath caressed my lips. An irresistible urge to kiss him took hold of me but I had to resist. I had to ignore the burning desire inside me."I know you're lying to me. And sooner or later you won't be able to do it anymore Y/n. Your eyes don't lie, you hate me but...you can't deny what you're feeling right now."

"You don't know anything about it!" I replied, trying to sound as detached as possible.

"Don't I? Then if you don't feel anything...why do you tremble when I'm around. Why does your breathing quicken every time, why do you blush? Huh?"

I couldn't deny it but I was too proud to admit anything to him. For as long as I could I had to resist..even though my body was screaming at me to let him touch me again, to fuck me like he had last night.

"I hate you, Jason." I whispered, burying my gaze in his, trying to sound as convincing as I could. I pushed him away violently before rejoining James. I heard Jason sigh. He went into the room, slamming the door behind him.Meanwhile, Kirk and Lars had arrived. I sat down with them and chatted.

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