James x reader - Say yes my darling

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Tw: oral sex, physical sex

James pov

We were there finally. The day I would finally marry the woman of my life. She was finally going to be mine, she was finally going to be my wife. The ceremony took place at the end of the morning. Kirk and the boys finally arrived at home. Y/n was getting ready upstairs with her best friend and two of her bridesmaids. We didn't want to be seen before the ceremony, so we all prepared separately. I had already put on my trousers.

"So, ready?" Lars asked. I nodded as I pulled on my black shirt.
"How are you feeling?" Kirk asked.
"Nervous and impatient." I replied as I fastened the buttons correctly and then put on my white jacket. I had chosen a black and white three-piece suit for the occasion.

"I understand, but don't worry... She's wonderful and she's made for you... that's for sure" said Kirk, handing me my black suit jacket, which I put on.

"How do I look?" I asked as I adjusted my shirt and jacket. Jason finally arrived. "Sorry I'm a bit late. Wow James, you look incredible" he said.

"Thanks Jas'" I replied.

"Jason's right, you're stunning man , Y/n is going to fall in love with you even more when she will see you." Lars said. I laughed nervously as I saw myself in the large mirror in front of me. The guys quickly noticed that I was tense. They quickly surrounded me. Kirk put his arm around my shoulders.
"Relax, it'll be fine." he murmured. I combed my hair, which was cascading down my shoulders. Lars brought me a white rose to put in the top pocket of my jacket. The boys also had their costumes. About half an hour before the ceremony we left for the church.

Y/n pov

The stress was beginning to build, I was going to join James in the church to marry him. Even when I had my dress on, I still couldn't believe it. I'd chosen a long sheath dress but with a rather flowing skirt. It was a rather modern dress, but elegant and refined. My hair was tied up in a bun and adorned with a long veil, the same length as the train of my dress.
"You look beautiful" said my best friend as she helped me with my make-up.
"I'm so stressed, you wouldn't believe it" I mumbled.
"James is going to drop dead when he sees you." Added one of my bridesmaids.
"I hope he likes it. Imagine if he didn't like me," I said.
"Don't be silly. James is crazy about you, he's bound to think you're gorgeous" replied the other.
I laughed and smiled when I saw myself in the mirror. I put on my white gloves. And let my veil fall over my face. "Ready?" They asked at the same time. I nodded.They handed me my bouquet. Then we made our way back to the church. On the way, I could feel the stress and the joy coming over me. After several minutes, we arrived. Many cars had already arrived. The guests had already gone inside , just waiting for us.

James pov

All that was missing was her. Everyone was seated.
"My God, I don't think I've ever been so stressed," I whispered to Kirk, who laughed slightly.
"We're here, dude, it's all good." Lars said. "Yeah, we're here for you." Jason nodded.
The music finally started and everyone stood up. I saw her arrive on her father's arm. She was beautiful, glowing. I couldn't contain my emotion. From day one, I knew I wanted to be with her, forever. I'd joked and laughed about marriage for a long time, but with her, I was sure I wanted to make a lifetime commitment. Tears welled up in my eyes as she reached my level. Her father gave me her hand, which I took and kissed. Y/n kissed her father, who went off to sit with the rest of the family. "You're beautiful, darling," I whispered. She smiled at me. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The ceremony went off without a hitch. Finally came the long-awaited moment of exchanging consent.
"Do you, Mr James Alan Hetfield, take Miss Y/n Y/l/n to be your wife?" asked the master of ceremonies.
"I do," I replied, looking into her eyes.
"Do you, Miss Y/n Y/l/n, take Mr James Alan Hetfield to be your husband?" he asked.
"I do" she replied.
Kirk brought us the rings.
"I, James Alan Hetfield, take you to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love and cherish you in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until the day I die." I said, placing the ring on her left ring finger.
"I, Y/n Y/l/n, take you as my husband. I promise to love and cherish you in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, until death us do part." She said in turn, placing the ring on my left ring finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". I lifted Y/n's veil and she smiled at me, which I returned.
"I love you", I whispered.
"I love you too". she whispered. I put my lips to hers and put my arms around her waist to draw her against me. I honestly believe that I had never been as happy as I was that day. I had just married the woman I loved. I was the happiest. We walked out of the church, Y/ n holding my arm. The people cheered and threw spetals of roses as I kissed Y/n again.The day went very well. We were very happy to finally be married. We were finally Mr and Mrs Hetfield after months of waiting. For the evening, we had a small party with only close friends and family. My family actually consisted of Deanna, my brothers, Kirk, Lars, Jason and Y/n, my mother was dead and I my father...well i wanted nothing to do with him. The evening went very well.
In the evening, I went up on the stage with the boys. "Hi, thank you very much for coming. I would like to surprise my wife with a little song." I said into the microphone. I saw Y/n in the half-light smiling at me. "Honey, this is for you" i said.

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