chapter 2- the date

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Authors note: this chapter is kinda long (imo) sooooo idk

You woke up the next day and decide to brush your teeth (duh).

You were going to make yourself some breakfast and then started getting ready for your hangout with Shane.

Shane: "Are you ready" he texts you.
You: "not yet but almost" you lie

Shoot I need to rush. This guy gets ready fast 😳
You start rushing to try and finish your breakfast then sprint to your bathroom to do your makeup.

You try and go for something natural/ soft glam because it just felt like one of those days.

*20 mins later*
Okay I'm ready now I just have to pick out an outfit.

You open your wardrobe to see nothing but dresses (and maybe a few shirts and pants but that's about it). "Dang I really need to go shopping" you think to yourself. Welp anyways I'll just put on this nice blue floral dress. Perfect for the occasion.

you hear a noise. Oh wait it's your phone ringing!
You pick up.

"Hello?" You say
Shane: hey it's Shane send me your address so I can come pick you up, and ill be there in about 20 minutes.

You: Okay cya then bye Shane!
Shane: Bye y/n can't wait!

You text Shane.

you: I live on 1568 cupcake street 389028

Shane: okay be there soon. Be ready.

I'll just go on TikTok and scroll to pass time.

*knock* *knock*
"Come in!" You shout knowing it's Shane.
"Hey you ready?" "Sure am" you respond quickly

The drive there was a little awkward but it's fine hopefully the Starbucks hangout will makeup for it.

Shane and you get there, order, and sit down...

You: soooo how's your week been?

Shane: well better now that I've met you 😏

You: Well the feeling is mutual Shane.

Shane: are you we flirting right now?

You: I don't know? Are we?

Shane: so as I was sayi-

"order for Shane and Y/n" The Starbucks barista calls out

"That's us" interrupting Shane but not meaning to.

Shane: "Okay let's go get our drinks" He says getting up from his chair and you follow.

You guys get your drinks and go to sit back down.

Shane: would you like to go back to my place?

You: Sure I would love that.

You guys leave Starbucks and were on your way.

When you finally arrive to his apartment you think to yourself "wow this is nice and he even cleans up too!"

Shane: you like it?

You: I love it!

Shane:" I could tell. You were looking around all goo-goo- eyed" he says letting out a little chuckle.

You sit there with your face like "😃"

Shane: "Well you wanna play video games in my room?"

You: Sure

He leads
you to his room

Shane: "what game do you wanna play?" He says questioning you

You: umm... Oh! I really like the game call of duty

Shane: Okay I think I have that.

He opens the game and you guys start playing. You guys have a blast playing and making jokes and cracking each other up.

You hadn't realize it been when you opened your phone and checked the time. IT WAS 10:00 PM

you: Shane it's getting late I think I should go home.

Shane: you sure? You're leaving kinda soon.

You: Shane.. I've been here since 2:00 and it's now 10:00 what do you mean "soon"?

Shane: "Please stay the night and sleep with me? You can borrow one of my hoodies" he says looking sad you have to go

You: Fine I'll stay but you have to make me breakfast in the morning.

Shane: "Okay anything for you to stay!" He says happily

you let out a little chuckle because of how clingy he's being.

Shane:" Would you like to borrow one of my hoodies?"

You: Yes please

"Here you go pretty girl" he says smiling  "Shane?"

Shane: yes?

You: I'm tired can we go to sleep?

Shane: of course

You get on the bed and start cuddling with Shane

"I love you" you say in whisper while being spooned by Shane

"I love you more" Shane whispers back before you both fall asleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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