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Jai and I aren't talking. We got into it too much last night. We were yelling pretty loud. At one point it was just to see who was louder- me haha. The boys were really mad because it was like 12 AM and Beau and Daniel came in to break us up. Jai yelled at me for trying to break him and his 'girlfriend' up when I haven't even met her. I will admit he's scary when he yells....
I slept (like actually went to sleep) with Luke that night and silently let out tears as I went to sleep.
*Next Morning*
I wake up and go to the kitchen after brushing my teeth and re-doing my bun.
I hear footsteps toward the kitchen.
Please don't be Jai. Please don't be Jai. Please don't be Jai. Please don't be-
It be Jai.
I take my granola bar to the living room and sit on the couch.
Jai goes up to Luke and James's room with water.
When I'm done, I go upstairs and change into VS leggings, a dark red t-shirt, and black Nike's.
I grabbed my purse and phone and went to the mall.
I got a new black purse, some crop tops, some high waisted shorts, some regular shorts, like 4 pairs of heels from Charlotte Rousse.
I also went to Bath & Body Works and got crap that smells good.
When I'm done shopping, I head back home. Luke said him and Jai made pasta.
I open the door to everyone sitting in the living room. They look at me.
"Hey, Perr"Luke says with a smile.
"Hi"I smile back. I run upstairs and put my bags on the floor of my bedroom.
I go back down and get pasta. Which was Alfredo with chicken and broccoli.
I sit by Luke and James.
Daniel, Beau, Luke, and Jai are playing FIFA, which was pretty intense. Jai loses his temper with video games very easily. He was paired with Luke while Beau was with Daniel.
"DAMMIT!!!! LUKE YOURE SO BAD!!! Why did I get him?"Jai yells.
"YO! CHILL OUT!"I yell at him.
"Shut up!"He continues looking at the screen.
"My neighbors hate me now."I say.
I roll my eyes and go upstairs.
Jai is insane....I just wanna go back to LA where everything is normal...For the most part.
Tweet: I'm going to get donuts at Dunkin Donuts. Jess, Daria, come see me.
I go back downstairs and open the door.
"Where are you going?"Jai asks.
"Dunkin"I reply.
Because I want to.
"To hang out with Jess and Daria"
"You like to go places, don't you?"
"Dad, I'm not 14 anymore."I turn to face him.
"I'm aware....Just be safe."
"I'll be very cautious....Don't wanna die before LA."Then I close the door.
I plug in my phone to the AUX cord and jam to International Love, Sledgehammer, and Adore, then I was parked at Dunkin Donuts.
I get out and lock my car, immediately seeing Jess and Daria inside.
I sit next to Daria.
"Hey, is everything okay between you and Jai?"She asks.
"His girlfriend. That's all. I think she needs to drop dead, while he seems to be head over heels for that fake biatch. He's embarrassing himself."I lean back.
"I agree with you. They definitely do not love each other. They're both using each other for sex."
Jess and I nod.
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"I've talked to him, so have the boys kinda. But he's mad at me, we aren't talking."
"Perrie, don't let him make you think you can't do anything about this horrible relationship. You can get him out of this peacefully. I know you can. You're very clever."Jess says."Dont give up on him."
"You're right. This is my assignment....I have to turn in my homework."I grin.
"Now let's get some freakin donuts and coffee."Daria says.
We get a box of donuts and coffee and sit in the back where no one is sitting.
Many selfies were taken and posted.
I ate 3 donuts and saved the rest for the boys.
"Tell us how it goes. Good luck."
"I'll do something and let you know. Thanks for the help."I hug them, then we separate and go home.
The boys devour the donuts, meanwhile I start throwing out old clothes I don't / can't wear. I'll drop them off in a charity box later.
We have 3 days until we leave for California.
I pack everything I know I won't wear here, but I'll wear in LA, along with some chokers, cat ear headbands, and my cartilage earrings.
I get out my phone and call Kaycee.
"Hey, they aren't wrecking the house, right?"She answers.
"Not yet. 3 more days. I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to LA and I don't know when I'll be back."
"Um...Okay. Well, if you end up moving there, I'll sell the apartment and move on with my boyfriend cause he just got an apartment. I'll give you half, so just let me know."
"Okay, I'll let you know in a couple weeks."
"Cool. Love you."
"Love you too."
I hang up and continue packing heels and sandals.
James opens the door.
"Thanks for the donuts, Per."He says.
"You're welcome. What time is our flight."
"1 AM"
Kinda short.
WHO SHOULD PERRIE DATE?!?! (Please don't say any of the janoskians or 1D lol)
They gotta have cute kids.
He has to be tan
Brown / black hair
(No one from Magcon)
Give me ideas
He can be African American btw

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