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I hope you don't mind me skipping 💖
-2 weeks later-
We're waiting for Andrea at the airport-me, Jai, Cam, and Taylor. It kinda sucks Jadah can't make it she must've changed her number. It's okay, Andrea's my best friend.
We've been waiting for 15 minutes. Her plane should land any minute.
We hear the lady announce that her plane is about to land and go over to stand by where she'll be coming in. But apparently we were at the wrong one because seconds later, we hear "GUYS" and turn to see a thin girl with long dirty brown hair, and bright green eyes dressed in black skinny jeans, a black crop top, and a black leather jacket.
We run over to her and we're all reunited in the middle of the airport with paparazzi taking pictures because of me, Jai, Cam, and Taylor.
"Let's get out of here."I say and grab Andrea's hand.
"ANDREA LOOK OVER HERE"A man with a camera yells.
Im confused.
There were "Jai's, Perrie's, Cam's, and Taylor's occasionally, but Andrea's name was being yelled the most.
Cam drives us to Andrea and Taylor's hotel where the boys and girls split. I go into Andrea's room as she starts to unpack.
"They really wanted your picture back there."I say.
"Yea, I expected that."
"What are you doing nowadays?"
"I'm a Viner slash model. And I'm dating Michael Clifford from 5SOS. That's why I got attention."
"Are you serious?!"
"100 percent"
"That's crazy but amazing!"
"Yea. What are you doing nowadays?"
"Singer youtuber"
"Wowza. Releasing any songs soon?"
"Yea. Its called Take It Slow. I'll play it. It was released 5 weeks ago.
I play it for her while she continues to unpack.
"Don't take this the wrong way but you sound like Ariana."
"That's a blessing."
When the songs over, she says "Usually when people just start writing songs, they're like childish kind of but yours is like professional. Feel me?"
"Yea. I get it. Thanks."
She finishes unpacking and we meet the boys down the hall.
"Whatchya wanna do?"I ask.
"I wanna see the fam."Andrea says.
"Oh, yea. Dad just got rid of his slut girlfriend. But I also have bad news...."
"Keelan was put down 2 weeks ago. He had cancer in his stomach."
"I'm so sorry."She replies.
"He's better now."I smile over my frown.
When we get to the house, I try to find Dad.
"He's probably in his room."I say and run upstairs to find him on his computer designing Dirty Pig stuff.
"Hey we have guests."
"Okay, but before we go back down, tell me how this looks."
I stand next to him.
"Those colors?"I ask.
"I think you change this."I sit on his lap and change the orange writing to pink. "Way better."
"Thanks....Who am I gonna see?"He asks as I open the door and he follows me downstairs to the living room.
"This my Papa."I say. Everyone turns to look at him.
"Oh my God! It's Cam, Taylor, and Andrea!"He says.
"He saw Jai a few weeks ago."I mention.
"Hey, Paps."Andrea hugs him.
"Holy shit who are you?"Beau asks.
"You know me already....Andrea...."She says.
"You're hot"He spills. Chelsey slaps his arm."What? you think Zac Efron is hot."
"Thank you. I'm a model."
"I saw you recently....I don't know where though. Definitely on the internet."
"With Michael Clifford. He's my...boyfriend."She explains.
"Oh. Cool."
"Where is everyone?"I ask.
"Out"Dad replies.
"Well....What should we do? Its only 10."
"Let's go to the beach. We need someone to come take pictures though."Cam says.
"Jack"I say. "But first I wanna get a tattoo. Can you help me design one?"I ask my dad.
"Yea"We follow him to his room.
"Where do you want it?"He asks.
"On rib"I say and show him.
"What do you want it to say?"
"I want the Dogs Are Gonna Bark dog. But I want a girly twist."
"A bow?"He asks and looks up at me.
He starts drawing the dog and adds a bow on its head.
"I also want one under my right boob."
"What do you want there?"
"Something that's half of my life.....JLBDJ. For Jai, Luke, Beau, Daniel, James."
"Cool. Any specific writing?"
"Can I get it in everyone's handwriting? Like You put J, Luke puts L...."
"Sure. They'll be home in a few minutes."
"Can I check out your sleeve?"I ask.
"Sure"He slips off his shirt as I kneel on my knees, taking his arm in my hands.
I look for something to be inspired by.
Just a bunch of creepy girls, skulls, roses, and random designs.
"WHAT IS THIS?"I ask, pointing at boobs. "Why do you have boobs growing out of your arm?"
"They scream Jai"
"I wish my boobs could scream. They wouldn't scream Jai though."I say, then we all laugh.
"What would they scream?"
"Probably 'not the bra!' Or something. Can you stand up?"
He stands up and I look at his back.
(Writing at 2 AM so some parts might be a little stupid)
When I'm finished looking he slips his shirt back on. We hear the door open and close and voices downstairs.
Dad calls the boys up and tells them to put the first letter of their name.
They ask why but we explain then they think the ideas cool. (Exhibit A)
Dad takes me and the crew to the tat shop where he shows the guy what I want. The guy goes into another room to trace it, then comes back and tells me to lay on my side.
I slide my cut-off up so he can clean it.
"This will hurt a tiny bit."He says as he starts the machine.
I wince when it digs into my skin.
"Let's just have him take the pictures. He's already here."I point to Dad.
"By the way, who's Jack?"Taylor asks.
"My boyfriend. Gilinsky. He's a Viner."
"You're dating Jack Gilinsky?"Andrea asks.
"Yea, why?"
"No reason, but he's hot! You guys would have the hottest babies-"
"Okay, let's slow down for a minute."Dad cuts her off.
"But we really would."I smile.
The tattoos took about an hour together, then we left to steal Luke's camera and then drove to the beach.

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