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At least our paths crossed

       I DESPERATELY SEARCHED,  for somewhere anywhere to find refuge. Karina called after me and my sisters. After us both I came upon a closet-like place filled with shelves filled with other things I needed beyond words to describe to get away from everyone and everything. My plagued feelings for the Viscount, my duty to my family, my honor to the crown it all. I soon heard the fireworks that were set to go off when I said I do, my stomach was tight, I couldn't breathe. I haven't had this feeling since my mothers funeral. I tried to catch my breath but I couldn't.

Deliha fled running out the doors I stood intending on running after her, Karina jumped  up chasing her sister while Margo and Elie chased after them both. "What just happened to my wedding?" Queen Charlotte expressed. Everyone murmured, gossiped, coming up with their own theories of what scandal was taking place that the ton was unaware of. My family approached  with their own theories as we walked. I soon ran into a room to think. They soon followed, "Anthony, are you alright?" My mother asked, "yes honey, do you need something?" Lady Quinn soon asked. "Perhaps the archbishop's talk of lifelong covenants overwhelmed Lady Delilah." Eloise went on, "Perhaps she realized that marriage is,in fact, a prison for women." They all went on, except for Daphne because she knew exactly why Delilah ran off and why Anthony was lost. The Viscount got his hands off of his head taking a deep breath in and saw Daphne's face as his mother watched his eyes train on her. "I need air." He spat, storming out of the room. "You know something." Violet stated walking towards Daphne, "I do not. — Daphne, you may be a Duchess, but you are still my daughter." She went on, "Tell me what you know."

I knocked on the door of the room Deliha should be in. Karina opened the door. "Viscont Bridgerton." She went on, Lady Karina "Id like to speak to–"she not here we cant find her. What–she loves you, Viscont Bridgerton and I strongly believe in her. You and my sister are so much alike you both value family and will put it over your own happiness." I was silent as she spoke every word was true. She smiled as she  soon closed the door, and I walked searching the halls.


I finally caught my breath and swallowed, I felt the air fill my lungs again and I felt a presence holding me, telling me it would all be okay–I would be okay. I rose to my feet, composed myself and I soon opened the door slowly, closing it tightly and softly. I walked straight turning the hall and saw him as his eye laid on mine. I turned instantly as he walked towards me. Seeing his face makes it all rush back, the world around me stops when he's near like it did on that altar today. He opened the closet door, entering,closing the door behind him. "You can not be here." I spoke briefly. "Miss Rosewood– he began being cut off–this is my place of refuge." I stated walking towards the door to leave, pulling on the handle as he kept it shut. "We must speak."

"Do you realize how improper this is—I've spoken to your sister." Hearing those words I knew what was spoken about. "She's carrying a child she need not know what she speaks of." I stated, trying harder than I've ever tried before to get him to see her tales. "Don't marry him." I heard the Lord say, stopping me in my attempts to flee from these doors. "What?" I asked, feeling my stomach tighten once more. "Don't marry him Deliah." He spoke, taking steps closer to me. "Why?"

"You know why." He declared back as if I truly knew why. Maybe I did. "No." I spoke feeling a rush of emotions, want, desire, lust all at once. I need not want to feel such feelings for a gentleman who is not my own, a man who is betrothed to another lady. A scandal. "Yes."
"No Anthony. You don't want love neither do I..love hurts and it leaves you alone and in sorrow." I whimpered out as tears ran down my rosey cheeks. "So if you'll excuse me my lord."I spoke inches away from the door only to be grabbed by my wrist, his touch left me in chills. "Please..."he spoke staring into my eyes, piercing my soul he saw right through me as I him.

Goodbye, my Lord.

I knocked on the chamber door, it soon being opened by James. "Miss Rosewood." He greeted with a faint smile. "May we speak, my Lord?" I asked, with a small sentimental, guilty smile. "Of course" he told me as I entered the room. I was worried about you he went on as he had a maid bring me tea. "I thought I had done something to offend you—"no, god no my Lord." I pleaded. "You, Lord Eggington–James have done nothing."'I assured him looking into his dark brown eyes. "Then what is wrong?"

"Me. My lord. It is I who is the problem. You are an amazing man, who i know would make a exquisite husband and father. "I'm afraid I won't be the adoring wife or Lady Egginton who is in love with you." I confessed, the words parsing my heart for him. I see. He spoke, eyes now trained to the ground. He walked closer, grabbing my hands in his. "Lady Delilah, you are quite an extraordinary women–I think you might be the strongest most modest women i've ever met and I must say im quite pleased our paths crossed."
He expressed, with a smile. "I wish you the best." I stated, kissing his cheek and leaving the room heading to my own.

Closing the door behind me I turned to see my sisters and Queen Charlotte standing in my room with worry faces. "Thank the heavens." The Queen spoke rushing over to me. "Are you alright sista?" Ellie asked as my sisters made their way over. "Im–I will be."I breathed out. "But I must apologize..there will not be a wedding today." I revealed, to my surprise there was not one disappointed face not even auntie Charlotte. "Deli dear, the day I was to marry my Goerge i was terrified out of my mind and he showed me such kindness and love. I fell instantly and you have fallen indeed for Viscount Bridgerton, it quite clear that fear i had on my wedding you share to let yourself love him." She spoke words of wisdom. She doesn't talk about uncle Goerge much but my mother told me the spark in Queen Charlottes eyes when their Meguisties made their acquaintance at their first ton ball. A spark thats visible everytime she speaks of him.

There was a knock on the door, Karina opened it. "I would like to speak with lady Rosewood." Lady Quinn voiced. "I don't believe now is—it's alright". I told my sister as Lady Quinn entered, facing me. "Before my chances of being wed are extinct I have to know." She trailed on, "Do you love him?" She asked, pain and rage hidden in her tone. "Lady Quinn.."

"No...you're Majesty please spare me "the kindness" in your heart and answer me this." I was quite for the first time ever. "I see." I suppose I spoke with my eyes, and it told her it all. Before she could say another word there was another knock it was Anthony. "Can we have the room?" I requested as they all left leaving the three of us.
"I can't not marry you Lord Bridgeton..I can not. Love should be pure joy not deception." Lady Quinn acknowledged, "you're eyes will never meet my eyes like they met Lady Rosewoods on that Altar today. You will never look at me that way, you will nev— I have made my decision. You were supposed to be my friend." She added before leaving the room.

Leaving us.

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