xoxomean asked: Do you watch Sailor Moon?
Me: I've seen a couple episodes bit I don't really remember what happened in them....Maybe I'll consider watching it! Do you think I should? Anyway, I have a good friend who I know watches it. His name is Burgs and he's a night guard (Night_Guard_Burgs). Don't tell him I told you that. He gets embarassed when people find out he watches sailor moon. He even cosplayed as sailor moon once XDDD He did look fabulous though!
Burgs: I just heard everything you said! Why'd you tell them I watch Sailor Moon?!
Me: Because you do! There is nothing to be ashamed of. It's a good anime, right? Yeah anyway I might start watching that when I get the chance thanks for asking!
(Admin: picture drawn by my best friend Leilani)