Please understand (why can't you see)

118 7 6

TW: PTSD, kidnapping, death,
Please let me know if I missed any

Nothing could fix what happened.

Nothing could fix that Tommy was taken, and nothing felt worse than what Wilbur said. Techno felt as if he sunk just a bit deeper in his pit of absolute despair.

It's all your fault

Your fault

Your fault

Your fault

The thoughts reverberated around his head as he sat in his room. He just felt empty, like a hollow shell, a house with no lights on.

Not a drop of life inhabited his body. Nor a shred of emotion. All of it was stripped away by people, so many brutal people. All whom wish only for their own sake, their own safety.

It's human nature to put yourself, or the people you know, above people you don't. Techno understands that. However, it's a matter of, given the opportunity to get to know someone, people always fall short, himself included. They'd rather be vile and ruthless than open and kind.

His soul was dead, and his feet dragged on tirelessly. Wilbur wouldn't pull himself away from whatever he was doing long enough to eat or anything really.

Phil couldn't do anything

Techno couldn't do anything

One day, Wilbur came down solemnly, with a sheet of paper. "I found something."

But his tone was dull and defeated.

"There have been several other cases much ours." He continued. "None were found."

He dropped the paper, it was a stack of 10 missing reports, and the top one was Tommy's.

Techno stared at the reports. One was two years ago, another was 4. All of them were deemed a lost cause.

All of them were declared dead.

Lesson 11: keep your head up, there is always a new enemy.

Techno stood at the door numbly. A police had a hand on his shoulder, like it mattered, he doesn't think he could walk a step anyway. He felt cold and empty, he felt like crying.

But crying wouldn't help anything. Standing here wouldn't help anything, grieving would only drag him down. He was led into the cop car, and the police started talked. The man talked slow, and calm. Apologizing for the loss, asking where he was to go now.

Back to the orphanage. He was to go back.

Puffy met him at the door, crushing him into a hug. He stood stiffly against the hug, too numb to relax, or anything like that.

He was sent to another home two days later. New place, New people, New things to upkeep. New list of things that would make him un-adoptable in their eyes.

So Techno had to press on, there wasn't the time to mourn, or grieve, because the world wouldn't stop moving for anyone.

● ● ●

Tommy stared at the room, there were several other kids of varying ages here. But he talked to Purpled the most.

He didn't understand why everyone was so relaxed about this all. They were all kidnapped too, didn't they realize how wrong it was to be trapped in a basement?

The "master" told Tommy that if he was good, he would get special treats, and if not, then he would be locked in his "room". Which was fine with him, he knew how to fake innocence.

Every night, after everyone was sleeping, Purpled would come to his room to try to reason how this was a great place. And every night, Tommy would try to convince Purpled to leave.

They would both decline the other's offer, and talk about something else until it was inevitably brought up.

"It's been a week and a half Tommy! If they really cared, don't you think they would've found you by now? They probably think you're dead!"

Tommy stood stiffly, trying to find reason in his mind that they wouldn't've found him by now. He came up empty, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Purpled came over and pushed him into a hug, muttering softly. "At least you have me, and Aimsey and the others."

Tommy nodded sadly.

Purpled was right, he wasn't getting saved.

So he'd have to save himself.


So we didn't go where we were planning, our flight got canceled twice in a row and we gave up.

New chapter, I could've gone the route where Tommy completely gives up, should I?

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙

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