Talk pt 32

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Tap in here if you fw this book
If y'all don't tap in Iah know y'all don't like me foreal

Dd pov

Once nova hung up I was confused

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Once nova hung up I was confused....what Alabama do? I thought to myself. mmcht it's Alabama her hoe ass always doing some shit I thought as she stared at me with puppy eyes

"Yo Alabama......u did sum ta nova?" I should've  never gave that bitch my password

I be damned if somebody break me and nova relationship up cuz I'm getting her back

"Mmcht dd nooo you know I didn't, she called your phone saying shit like let's fuck a-and stuff like come overrrr" she whined

"No the fuck she wasn't, she would never say some shit like that on a night like this. Alabama don't lie to me right na' I'm not In tha' fucking mood what the fuck did you do?". I sighed starting to breath heavy because she been pissing me off all fucking week

"No baby I didn't I'm telling to truth I swear to go-Alabama get the fuck out." Fuck is you swearing to god fa' bruh, shit weird as hell gone somewhere

"Dd!" She yelled crying

"Oh my fucking god why is you crying bruh Iah' talk to you tomorrow ion need this right now" he said sitting on his bed near his head board

He ran his hands down his face stressing out

"FUCK!" he yelled hitting his wall where his head board was at putting a small hole in his wall

Ddot came running up there with Tiana on his trail

"YOO YOU AINT HIT SHAWTY DID YOU?!" ddot yelled looking between me and the hole in my wall

"Nah the bitch gone call nova on some weird shit. ion know what she said but when I came up here to get my phone nova called and told me to get my bitch, I could tell she thought Alabama was finna asnwer cuz when I answered she was finna start cussing"

"And Alabama ass was looking at Me like she ain't do shit!" Dd aggressively licked his now dry lips

"Damnnnn" ddot said

"I never liked shawty no damn way" ddot shrugged

"Might aswell get back with nova" Tiana sighed shaking her head looking at her phone

"mmcht she don't want me anymore bro" he put his head down shaking his curls then playing in them

"Oh but you want her?" Tiana asked smirking mmcht I mean ye- you ain't have to say nun but a damn word Tiana said before he could even finish

"Say word 2 you gone help me get ha' back?!"

The next day 7:40am nova pov

I was getting ready to go to school while on the phone with Judah

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