➤ first selection xv.

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        "𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 Meguru's goal changed Team Z's whole demeanor." (M/n) stated, hands placed on his hips with a pout. "We aren't done yet, huh? I really wanted to go to sleep."

"We have to finish them for good, is all," Reo replied, still staring at Bachira. "Huh. How annoying..." Nagi sighed while Bachira smirked at the trio.

(M/n) was about to speak up, but was interrupted by the shouts made by Team Z. They all jumped on Bachira, congratulating him on his goal. Thanks to him, they felt like maybe all wasn't lost.

Reo scoffed at them, narrowing his eyes, but a smile was still on his face. "Well, well, well...aren't they lively? Look at Team Z go. They looked quite lifeless just a few seconds ago and now they're pissing me off."

(M/n) turned in Reo's direction with a raised eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're getting upset, Reo?"

"Me? No way. I just hate that our half-year-long history together is getting tarnished by this trash!!"

The game restarted and (M/n) kicked the ball to Reo, who ran off. Raichi was marking Reo and he looked pretty pissed. They both were fighting for the ball until finally, Reo decided to pass.


"Leave it to me!" He said, catching the ball with his chest.

"As if I'd let you!" Chigiri spoke, suddenly appearing right beside the male. "No matter what, this time I will crush you, (M/n). I'm the speed king."

"Hm?" (M/n) questioned with dotted eyes. "Let's test that theory out, then." He replied, taking off faster and leaving Chigiri behind.

"Here ya go, Shir- huh?!" (M/n) was about to pass to Nagi, but Chigiri appeared out of nowhere, blocking the shot while the ball was still in the air.

The ball, however, still ended up making its way over to Nagi who turned his body around to kick it in the goal. But, he ended up kicking it right into Igarashi's face who was behind him.

Though, the monk still took pride in it. "I STOPPED ITTTTT!"

"Nice face block, Igaguri," Bachira, who now had the ball, said. Reo was ready for the male. Standing in front of him, he was eager for a rematch.

"Bring it on, puffy bangs. Just so you know, what happened earlier? That was a fluke." He glared, "Don't even think you can repeat it one more time."

"Yeah, I know that much." He responded, unfazed. "But now the situation's different. I am not the only one who's attacking now. It's time for Team Z's revival!"

Bachira swiftly passed the ball to the right, to Kunigami who received it. "That's right."

"Tch...Don't let him enter his shooting zone!!" Reo called out to his teammates.

Kunigami was 28 meters away and there were about 4 defenders from Team V. He had the option of passing, but as an egoist striker, he shouldn't do that.

Questions like how he could evolve flooded his mind. But Isagi's encouraging words helped him. Even though he wasn't in his shooting range, he was gonna take the risk. And that's what he did.

He took the shot and the ball soared past all of Team V's defenders. As it was nearing the goal and was about to go in, (M/n) popped up.

"Got it!!" He said, jumping in the air and sticking out his leg to change the course of the ball. But...he didn't make it. "Nevermind...-" He fell to the ground with a soft thud. 'Curse my shortness.'

The ball easily passed the goalie and went inside the goal, the score now being, 3-2 and the end of the first half.

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        "𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 catch up...? Will...will we lose?" (M/n) nervously paced back and forth in the locker room.

"Victory belongs to Team V," Reo answered (M/n). "Since the other team will keep on relying on counter-tactics, we should adapt and change for a more defensive system."

"Stupid Meguru," (M/n) muttered. "Thinks he's better than me..."

"Use that anger to fuel your fire, got it, (M/n)?" The latter nodded slightly while Reo turned to Nagi. "We can't allow ourselves to lose here."


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        𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 time for the second half to begin. Isagi had the ball and passed it to Kunigami. Kunigami ran alongside him as Team V players neared him. He decided to pass it to Bachira, who in turn, passed it to Gagamaru.

It was slightly behind him, so he bent forward, using the back of his foot to kick it into the goal.

"Whoa!! A scorpion! An acrobatic shot! The keeper ain't even ready!" Igarashi yelled in amazement.

Though, just as the goalie missed blocking it and it was about to get in, (M/n) came and headbutted it out of the way.

"Yes!! Timed it perfectly this time!" He cheered to himself quietly.

"Second ball!"

The ball landed on Isagi's foot, much to his surprise. (M/n) was happy to see him with it actually. He hadn't seen much action from the male and was excited to see what he could do.

Isagi was contemplating what to do, but he took too long to think. Another player on Team V stole it from behind him and kicked it away from him.

Nagi and (M/n) ran for it, ending up on either side of Isagi in the process. (M/n) felt like he shouldn't say anything, but instead focus on the game. Seems like Nagi wasn't having the same mindset, though.

"You're quite useless, aren't you?" He asked, emotionlessly. "You had all the cards and threw them away. Why didn't you shoot it? You...waste a lot of chances."

"Shiro, stop." (M/n) finally butted in.

"No but honestly, why don't you just give up already? I don't really get it...I think if we lacked talent like you guys, we would've quit football a long time ago. So tell me. Why do you still keep moving forward?"

(M/n) didn't like the way Nagi was talking. It wasn't right in his eyes. "Seriously, Shiro? Cut it ou--"

"Shut the fuck up genius." Isagi glared, his whole face morphed into something different. "I'm on a roll right now." With that, he ran ahead of Nagi and (M/n).

The two stopped to stare for a bit, confused at the sudden change of attitude. It was like a whole new Isagi.



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