➤ second selection

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        "𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐔 𝐊𝐔𝐎𝐍, red card! You're ejected from the game!" The speaker blared.

Both Reo and Nagi rushed over to the male, who was still on the ground, clutching his ankle. Kuon had already gotten up and was kneeling beside (M/n).

"(M/n)..." Nagi was deeply disturbed by the scene in front of him.

"Are you okay, (M/n)?!" Reo was at his side within seconds. "You gotta be fucking kiddin', Kuon!"

Everyone was shook. Especially, Team Z. They weren't expecting the sudden action from Kuon. And although they were thankful that Team V didn't score, (M/n) looked hurt, which they didn't like.

"Ah, Reo, Shiro. I'm fine." (M/n) muttered. "Just calm down. If you get another yellow card, it'll be over for you, too."

"But..." Reo's eyes were wide. He pushed Kuon out of the way and cupped (M/n)'s face. "You assholes...what kind of tactic was that?!"

"Y'know," Kunigami started, "I wanted to ask the same thing. Oi, Kuon. Why did you do that?"

As they started talking, Nagi and Reo grabbed (M/n) by his arms, helping him to stand.

"Can you still play?" Nagi asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" He lied. His right ankle hurt like hell. Tears were threatening to spill out of his eyes, but he didn't dare let them come out. He just had to continue playing.

"Are you sure? You're limping..." Reo butted in.

"I can play, Reo."

"No, you can't. You could have injured your ankle or something. You're sitting the last few minutes out."


"(M/n) Hinata, please report back to Team V's room. Wait there for further direction." The speaker cut in once more.

All heads snapped in (M/n)'s direction whose face morphed into one of anger and sadness.

"See there. Now go along now, (M/n)." Reo patted his back.

"Don't worry. We'll win for you." Nagi added, watching as (M/n) started limping away.

"You better."

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        𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐄 arrived at the dorm, he decided to take a quick shower and once he was finished with that, he sat on his bed with a pouty face.

Before long, (M/n) heard the door open. Turning his head to it, he saw the figures of two people. One of which he knew the name of and one of which he didn't. However, he did know that she was the one who took his phone and wallet.

"Hello, (M/n)-kun. I'm Anri Teieri, here to check up on you." The lady said, with a small smile. She was carrying a small medical kit with her.

Meanwhile, Ego, who was also there, stood composed by her side as he slurped on some ramen.

"Alright, thank you." (M/n) quietly said.

Anri walked over to where (M/n) was sitting and bent down to his ankle. After about 10 to 15 minutes, Anri stood up, smiling softly down at him.

"Looks like you rolled your ankle a bit, (M/n)-kun." She said.

"What...? Does this mean I can't play soccer anymore? Am I going to be locked off?" (M/n) turned to Ego at the last question.

"No." Ego plainly stated.

"Ah, don't worry too much. You didn't roll it badly, just a little. You may notice it swell up a bit, but in about 2 days, you'll be fine."

"Really?! I'll still get to play then!" (M/n) shouted with joy. "Thank you so much, Anri!"

"My pleasure." She smiled once more before walking out of the door.

Ego followed her trail, but he stopped at the door, making (M/n) confused.


"You did great out there today." He replied, not looking at him as he spoke, and he walked out the door.

(M/n) blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what just happened. Did Ego really just compliment him? The same Ego that looks like someone straight out of a horror movie, that Ego?

He shook off those thoughts and decided on taking a quick nap. Surely, his teammates would be busting up in the room to celebrate their win. But before he could even close his eyes, he saw Reo and Nagi stroll in.

"Reo! Shiro...?"

They did not look happy at all...


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