First Time.

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  "The city is buzzing as per usual. Nothing could possibly go wrong! ..Right? Well, that's where everything goes wrong. Ever since my existence was known, the buzzing of the city has been fear, panic, and stress. However, some individuals feel free, excited, and pleased. This is The Quartering Duke. Please provide your finest entertainment."

  And then it ends. A short video, introduction. The Quartering Duke.. right when I became a hero as well. This might be my first nemesis.

  I sigh, get up to wash my face. In the bathroom, I look in the mirror. "Alright, Wato. Or should I really just say Maladroit? Oh well, suck it up, Wato! This is your first day."

  I splash water on my face, dab it with a towel, and get ready to go. I'm going to an important meeting. I'll get information on where and when The Duke strikes next. It's at 6, and right now it's 5:20. I've got time to spare, so I go to my favorite café. I go over to the counter to order. Knowing this café, I look down.

  "Hisoki! Man, they really need to get you a stool." I say to the short one behind the counter. At an amazing 4 feet and five inches, this barista is always punctual.

  "Wato! Hey. I agree with you there, but they forget .. I might just buy one myself! This café pays well, after all." They tell me. "I assume you want the usual? Caramel Crane?" They ask, just making sure.

  "Yes, that would be it. And could I get a blueberry muffin to go?" I ask, only remembering now that I haven't eaten anything this morning.

  "Of course! That would be 5.89." They tell me, shooting me a small grin. "You wanna talk? The café has only been open for 5 minutes, so I could talk for a while." They ask, obviously bored in the very short time they've been here.

  "Oh, sure! Come sit with me when you can." I tell them, going to sit down by my usual spot. I check my watch. 5:28. Could time go any slower? I wonder if time has ever stood still. Things that happen so quickly are since lost in your own memory.


  Someone walks in the café. A man with hair in a ponytail, in a work outfit- Wait, is that Workaholic? I blink in realization. Someone I've worked with in the Detective Alliance was here.

  Seeing this man, Hisoki perked up. "Ah, good morning, Mr. Shizaki! Are you picking up coffee for your wife again?" They ask, finishing my drink. "Wato! It's ready!" They shout over. I stand up and walk over to the counter, grabbing my drink and muffin. I check my watch on the way over, 5:30. Good lord.. I think talking to Hisoki would take my mind off of things.

  As Hisoki talks to Workaholic, I start to think and suddenly grow anxious. Something isn't right here. Why doesn't it feel right? Everything is perfectly fine. Right? My clock goes off. It's a warning. In bright red letters, I see,



...What? No, that's not right. Suddenly, there's explosions, screams, and fire. There's debris flying everywhere. Workaholic whips around, eyes filled with shock.

  "Damn it! Hisoki, give me the drone." He shouts. What drone? Hisoki reacts immediately, running to the back and grabbing a human sized drone. They hand it to Workaholic, who runs out as soon as he got a steady grip. He looks at me before he runs out.

  "Are you coming? You're a hero, after all, incompetent." He gives me a stern look. Then he runs off, hops on top of the drone, and flies off. It's like he's surfing on air.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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