Chapter 4

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It was a peaceful night at the Butterfly Mansion however, to Sanemi, peacefulness shattered as Inosuke woke up.

"Old man. Are you awake?", a vein popped out Sanemi's forehead, visibly irritated to his voice. Even it's only a whisper, Sanemi thought his voice was still loud.

"Could you please shut up?" Sanemi mumbled to himself. Inosuke woke up instantly when Kanae brought his food over, yelling he's hungry all the time. Sanemi was still relieved that he's fine after he beated him to death and Kanae didn't know the cause of his swelling abdomen.

(Somewhat Earlier)

"How old are you, Inosuke?" asked Kanae as she sat beside Inosuke.

His hair danced along the swift as Inosuke turned his head to her while eating and answered, "I don't know. Hey, old man," his eyes shifted to angered Sanemi, "how old am I again?"

"Who knows... I don't give a shit about your age."

Kanae frowned as she heard him cursed, "Please, don't say such things to your brother."

"Brother?" Inosuke was confused who was she calling 'his brother'.

Her head slightly tilted while her questioning eyes glued on Inosuke, "You're his adoptive brother, right?"

"Hah?! There's no way that old man gonna be my brother."

Sanemi exhaled a lot of air as more veins popped out around his scarred face.

"I don't even forget what he did to me." Inosuke said while eating his tempura.

Kanae got curious so she asked, "What did he do?"


"SHUT IT, YOU DUMBASS BOARHEADED SHIT OR I'LL SLIT YOUR THROAT INSTEAD OF YOUR MOUTH!!" Sanemi retorted to shut him up and showed his creepy smile towards them.

Kanae plastered her smile trying to figure how to stop their loud bickering noises.

"What's the commotion here?" Shinobu appeared and entered as her brows slanted downwards, sending death glares to Sanemi. Both of them went silent as they acknowledged her presence.

"Oh my, Shinobu. I'm glad you came."

"I can hear their voices downstairs so I came here to shut them up."

"I think they're afraid of you."

Sanemi began to speak, "Tch, we're not."

Shinobu glared at him more deadly, "I will never forgive you for what you did to my sister."

"Shinobu, it's okay." Kanae assured her sister. Shinobu rolled her eyes out of annoyance as she went out to go back to her work.

"I'm sorry for my sister's attitude." Kanae bowed politely to him. Sanemi only watched her at the corner of his eyes.

Kanae faced Inosuke once again, "Inosuke, can I ask you one last question?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you know this guy's name?" she asked.

Sanemi was more annoyed to the woman's curiosity.

"Oh... His name. Uhhhh...." Kanae waited for him patiently just to his name.

"Chi?" Inosuke speak out from his mind.

"Chi, then?"

"No, I think it started with Shi."

Sanemi balled his fist as he heard the first three letters of his surname.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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